Author Topic: Hover ships  (Read 2281 times)

inmagine a flat land area
all nice and peaceful
maybe a little kid is building a house out of 2x2s and bright yellow paint
out of the blue a hovership flies in, the captian gives the order, and a barrage of missles anhilates the noob and his annoying house
the hovership would look kinda like a Skiff from starwars and act like one to
the captian would steer and the people on it would piolet guns or just wander around
the big detail i want to emphasise is that it should be allowed ot be used for transport, and not just you sit in a seat, but when on the ship you may move around like if you were standing on a boat in real life, then if you wanted you could hop in a gun or somthing or hop in the dirvers seat and take control
if such a thing was made, we could even eventually have multi story super ships that could have like ten gunners on it (the guns as turrets) and have giant hovership battles
this would be complete and total pwn

i really jsut want to know if the walking on the ship thing is possible

maybe not now, but this suggestion will be great for when retail is completed, or when the feature is possible. but right now, it's not really possible.

maybe not now, but this suggestion will be great for when retail is completed, or when the feature is possible. but right now, it's not really possible.
not even source engine can do this stuff yet, but somehow, older engines like the novalogic Delta force xtreme/joint ops engine can. and that's like 5/6 years old.

Well if the model was solid on all surfaces it might be possible. Lets say the ship is moving forward, and you walk backward. Then the it would add the movements from the ship, or subtract depending on your direction of travel on the ship, to your movement speed. So you could effectivly walk on the ship. Then when you stop moving for a duration of time a mount could be spawned, if possible, and you'd mount to it were you were.

If the ship was going 50 then:
Toward the front of the ship would be normal movement plus 50.
Toward the back would be normal minus 50.
Toward the sides would be normal forward speed plus 50 sidespeed, and it would have to atomaticly walk sideways for the player toward the front.

The problem there is the sideways animation would make it look funny to walk sideways. You'd have to find a ratio for the angle of the player, and the speeds that would be needed, and you'd need to have the speed scaled to the ships current speed.

If you bombard the main floor with mount points moving from one to another would be closer than not doing it.

You can do something like that like this:

Code: [Select]
%vel = %player.getVelocity();
%vel = VectorScale(%vel,50);

Might need to modify it...Basically, it'd speed your velocity up by x 50.

instead of millions of mounts, players could constantly move 50 toward the front of the ship. It would look wierd with the animations, but unless you can disable them wile in the ship its the only thing that might work.