Author Topic: [Interior Object] Blockland Pine Tree  (Read 3504 times)

This pine tree is an interior object that you can use for your own maps, if you follow the steps below.
*I made this model myself, this is not the real pine tree brick.

1.) Unzip into [your map here].
2.) Go into mission editor (f11).
3.) Select world creator (f4).
4.) Check interiors, check add-ons, check [your map here], check BL, check BL Pinetree.
5.) Move the tree around to your liking.
6.) Click relight scene (alt+L).
7.) Save mission (ctrl+s).
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 06:41:49 AM by Lørd Tøny »

File updated, I was slightly off from the real pine tree. This tree now has the perfect exact height to a real pine tree.

Nice, but, could you link me to mission editor? I don't have it.

Thanks. I'm going to use this in New Aosan for sure.

This is cool, but unecessary useless since we could just load the tree.dts model instead of adding more files to the map folder.

This is cool, but unecessary useless since we could just load the tree.dts model instead of adding more files to the map folder.
DTS objects don't cast shadows. Post your round tree please.

This is cool, but unecessary useless since we could just load the tree.dts model instead of adding more files to the map folder.
The 'tree.dts' file is just a collision file. It's appearance is actually of the lego pine tree, the one with random cuts in it.

This is cool, but unecessary useless since we could just load the tree.dts model instead of adding more files to the map folder.

Not everyone wants that lame ass tree.

Put up your round tree pl0x.