Author Topic: My brother has comitted Self Delete  (Read 18136 times)

She came over OUR house
"He came over for dinner with my grandmother"
This usually signifies going to your grandmother's house.

We found a good spot
Alright, this leads me to believe you also saw a toddler get flattened by a truck as well.

Sorry, but don't let yourself get carried away by your emotions. God has his ways, and I'm sure your late brother is with the angels as we speak.

R.I.P Roger.


We found a good spot
the forget

"He came over for dinner with my grandmother"
This usually signifies going to your grandmother's house.
He could have moved out and visited?

If you guys want to act like bastards and mess with my emotions, then fine.


Whether or not this is true, I would wonder why he would do such a thing? He seemed loved from what I've heard anyways. :/

Also, can't you hear gunshots?

We found a good spot
You didn't even do a formal funeral, did you?

Also, why are you posting about it on this forum, pretty known for starfishs, a day after his death?  It doesn't add up.

It is actually a murder to cover a bigger plot!

Also, why are you posting about it on this forum, pretty known for starfishs, a day after his death?  It doesn't add up.
It's a moida I tell you.

If you guys want to act like bastards and mess with my emotions, then fine.

no one is dead. you want to fake emotions so to "attention whore"
there i said it.

you should pretend to be a girl instead. people here fall for it easier.

in the dump?
Stop loving with SkullCandy you peace of stuff. If your brother commit Self Delete tomorrow (probably because of you), I doubt you would like it if people joked about it online.

I hope you burn in Hell.

Stop loving with SkullCandy you peace of stuff. If your brother commit Self Delete tomorrow (probably because of you), I doubt you would like it if people joked about it online.

I hope you burn in Hell.
Lol christcigarette

Also, you're like the only person here who believes hes dead

Welp, it's Feep and his touching story of seeing death all over again.