Author Topic: Great. Im New To Age Of Time  (Read 7123 times)

Yes. Requires a description. Oh, don't talk about that....... *cough* thing.... that happens when you take your clothing off. First off:

What does AoT stand for (almost obvious, but i'm handicapped, so go on)
OMFG WHY DOES THAT CROSSBOW ON THE TREE COST 2k (too old to go into detail, so go on)
Why does this odd hobbit [Edit:At The Fort] keep on chasing me to the death, running at the speed of light?(....)


What about that yellow *cough* thing that flies out when you click? can it be used to replicate--- (loss of words)

What does AoT stand for (almost obvious, but i'm handicapped, so go on)
Airports of Thailand, of course.

Yeah, i'm pretty sure you explained that to someone else.

My poor Jetz, you are missing the BIG picture here;

[accidental doublepost is accidental; leave me alone, megascientifical]
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 09:30:30 PM by Must Mehrmen »

I already dont ............................. .... *cough* ................ like you

You're asking what AOT stands for, In a topic you made called Age of Time?

You're asking what AOT stands for, In a topic you made called Age of Time?
Oh my god lol

I ask, because I wanted to make sure that the players actually knew... but as *cough* always, I love to act like a 7 year old handicap. Oh... by the *loving cough some moar* way, why is there a lovey lady at the end of the 2nd dungeon that doesn't want to hand over my goddamned 40k I must earn when I complete the stuffty thing?

Trogtor, Jetz tried, now you try? Your current avatar becomes the center of attention, if you have not noticed [the soup, bitch.].
Oh, not to be a handicap or anything, but YOU ALREADY POSTED THAT ON ANOTHER THREAD, EXACTLY UNDER THIS ONE. [God, please forgive me for my double-posting sins, It just feels so god damn good!{YEAGH NAVY BIATCH!}]
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 04:24:37 PM by Must Mehrmen »

Help me out here guys, I don't know what to make of him.

Help me out here guys, I don't know what to make of him.
... Similarities: im like that Noit person, you know.... the one....

Help me out here guys, I don't know what to make of him.
a noob who can't take the normal forums in fear of being flamed, and so goes here to "learn" forum how-to-not-die-here skills.

Help me out here guys, I don't know what to make of him.
an idiot.