Author Topic: The Periodic Table of Elements (Possible Page stretch)  (Read 2868 times)

Atoms are really small monkeys in a barrel holding hands.

You are made of monkeys.

Atoms are really small monkeys in a barrel holding hands.

You are made of monkeys.


Francium. The key chemical in dying flags white.
(Ololo reference to how much France has surrendered in history)


Francium. The key chemical in dying flags white.
(Ololo reference to how much France has surrendered in history)

Choosing a "favourite" element would be quite silly, but if I had to, I'd go with Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. (CH3CH2OH, anyone?)

 Throw in Nitrogen too, and you can make billions of compounds.

Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium


The average person eats around many times the amount of salt that they should.