Author Topic: Work or no work?  (Read 429 times)

ive dropped the vidock idea. as the best one only supports like a 250w vid card. but i found this page online, with links to where to buy these parts.

nerds discuss plz

this was my alternative idea as i put a desktop build on hold till newer intel sockets are on the way.
the current lappy runs on a quad 3.2, with 6gigs of 1800 ramz. all i lack is a proper vid card. as the notebook's nvidia 330m, is mediocre.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 01:34:04 AM by Bisjac »

surprised ethan still isn't here

bumping so that he will see it eventually.

ive dropped the vidock idea. as the best one only supports like a 250w vid card. but i found this page online, with links to where to buy these parts.

nerds discuss plz

this was my alternative idea as i put a desktop build on hold till newer intel sockets are on the way.
the current lappy runs on a quad 3.2, with 6gigs of 1800 ramz. all i lack is a proper vid card. as the notebook's nvidia 330m, is mediocre.

It's an interesting idea, but it seems overly complicated. It'll be kind of a pain to use another PSU to power it, too. The bandwidth on express ports is also quite low, so anything over a 5770 would be redundant.

Verdict == not really worth it unless you don't take your laptop anywhere and won't be doing serious gaming

Spare it.

I knew of this idea before, and thought I saw something that did it, but didn't know the details.
Also the bandwidth problem. The one I saw, I think was USB. Fail.

surprised ethan still isn't here

bumping so that he will see it eventually.