Author Topic: pie man- The toughest most awesome person on the forums  (Read 18588 times)

He honestly did not even have to post his name and that run-on sentence would tell me its him.

Also, he pretty much just told us all his stories were lies:
because of it I was constantly on it wasting my life on it

just so you know you did not win the fight you just simply reported me therefor you gave in
so if you friend calls the cops without you telling them to during a fight, that means you give in


hello this is that person you hate from the forums and just so you know you did not win the fight you just simply reported me therefor you gave in also you guys broke rule #7 by posting simply to call me an idiot also the 4 years thing yes that is true but in 08 I was banned form the forums and unbanned about a month ago so I completely forgot how the forums worked now this seems to be the only way to get in contact with you guys so I chose this way now tell your friends/clones that I am still around and am glad im banned from the forums because of it I was constantly on it wasting my life on it so I thank you guys for getting me off the forums for good I might still play on blockland most likely not because well I have other games and all that but as I already thank you as I now have more free time.

Regards -Pie man

Ps. I am 15 just didn't act my age and I feel like a dumbass for it.
It's kinda silly how he only put one period at the end. Try reading it out loud really quickly and see how far you can get before running out of breath.

It's kinda silly how he only put one period at the end. Try reading it out loud really quickly and see how far you can get before running out of breath.
Wow, you guessed to exact way I read it.

hellothCIAthatpersonyouhatefr omtheforumsandjustsoyouknowyo udidnotwinthefighjkjfijafdkla jlds BLAH.

he sent me a message on youtube.
hello this is that person you hate from the forums and just so you know you did not win the fight you just simply reported me therefor you gave in also you guys broke rule #7 by posting simply to call me an idiot also the 4 years thing yes that is true but in 08 I was banned form the forums and unbanned about a month ago so I completely forgot how the forums worked now this seems to be the only way to get in contact with you guys so I chose this way now tell your friends/clones that I am still around and am glad im banned from the forums because of it I was constantly on it wasting my life on it so I thank you guys for getting me off the forums for good I might still play on blockland most likely not because well I have other games and all that but as I already thank you as I now have more free time.

Regards -Pie man

Ps. I am 15 just didn't act my age and I feel like a dumbass for it.
I agree with the person who wanted to rip part of his own brain out at that :I

he has no idea what a tough school is

i mean holy stuff

*forever alone face*
Pie man:I'm gunnz act awl tuff so i getz frenz.