Author Topic: pie man- The toughest most awesome person on the forums  (Read 18602 times)


Either you dont know what trolling is or you are trolling.
Sarcasm bro

Mmmm Hmmm I see what you guys think and btw I saved a life today so suck on that.

Mmmm Hmmm I see what you guys think and btw I saved a life today so suck on that.
Did your ego block a bus from hitting a baby?

I wonder if this is going to end with him getting banned for the same reason as before.  For those that didn't see that, he basically said "You better be glad you didn't say that to me in real life because if you did I would beat you to death".
Corrections I didn't say it like that I said "You better be glad you didn't say that to me in real life because you would be dead by now"

Btw I cant help the fact im from Kentucky or the fact that  I have a "Short fuse" And go off to easy I don't mind that i was drama'd its just a simple topic I respect that because its your opinion and well I don't mind just don't mind.

Did your ego block a bus from hitting a baby?
No I had to pull my cousin off someone I knew because he was trying to kill him that kid was one lucky S.O.B that  I was there my cousin almost killed him. D:

Then he almost killed me while driving his go-kart that's back tire flew off,almost  flipped 20 times,

We also had the cops called on us 3 times for it but eh were just having fun.

What does being from kentucky have to do with having a short fuse?

What does being from kentucky have to do with having a short fuse?
Nothing really what im getting at is people are criticizing me for being born in Kentucky I couldn't say to my mom "Hey go to *Insert state here* so I can be born* Because that just don't work

Aside from that my mom isn't the brightest she though mexico was a state

I asked my dad if there was any states to get a listens at 15 he said no so my mom said 'I think mexico does"
Me and my dad say "Mexico's a country"
Now she isn't the smartest being that she came form a dumb family
Btw I need to learn to drive because when my dad's drunk he doesn't want to drive i could'v drove today but I didn't trust myself.

what the forget did he just say

what the forget did he just say
Ok lemme re-put this

Im was born in Kentucky wasn't my choice so lets drop that fact
I go off to easy I understand that so I try to stay calm
The rest is just me bullstuffting and rambling about something.

That thing on his arms he calls muscles are just jelly donuts. I've never seen him say this before now, and now I dislike him.

Hey pie man! Yo momma so dumb she-

Aside from that my mom isn't the brightest she though mexico was a state myself.


btw I saved a life today so suck on that.

Once my fracture heals I'm becoming a firefighter. So what you just said really doesn't work on me.

He needs how to use grammar. It was difficult understanding most of those posts. I bet in real life his "short fuse" is being heated.

That thing on his arms he calls muscles are just jelly donuts. I've never seen him say this before now, and now I dislike him.
You have no idea what I look like unless your a stalker (Inb4belognaisastalker)
Hey pie man! Yo momma so dumb she-


Once my fracture heals I'm becoming a firefighter. So what you just said really doesn't work on me.
Cool we could'v used a firefighter today when a burn-barrel started going out of control and went red hot luckily I had a mnt dew to keep it cool til my cuz got the water hose.

He needs how to use grammar. It was difficult understanding most of those posts. I bet in real life his "short fuse" is being heated.
No not really I know my grammar needs work but that's how i talk and I will continue talking this way until I learn grammar.

pie man, you probably don't do stuff IRL.

It's not that hard to discern reality from fictional fantasies.