Author Topic: pie man- The toughest most awesome person on the forums  (Read 18595 times)

You guys purposely piss me off don't you?


kentucky education and inbreeding at it's finest

pie man you realize that in an argument you are supposed to prove that it did happen rather than the other people having to prove that you didn't
with the exception of court

kentucky education and inbreeding at it's finest

Is pie man a man mad of pies or a pie made of men?
I am confuse D:

not to forget his extremely legit and self-centered internet-tough guy making idioticly oh-so intimidating-whatever, posts

I made ONE just one total drama topics I made mabey 3 4? eh idk my mind is messed up I think I breathed to much smoke from the trash me and my cousin burnt today.

No I had to pull my cousin off someone I knew because he was trying to kill him that kid was one lucky S.O.B that  I was there my cousin almost killed him. D:

Then he almost killed me while driving his go-kart that's back tire flew off,almost  flipped 20 times,

We also had the cops called on us 3 times for it but eh were just having fun.

I was ready to take on 3 people at once for my family but they chose to make somthing up by saying they was talking about his car and man they got lucky I had no proof because im bigger than you think and I dont put up with bull stuff when I was 12 somone started talking stuff bout my sister to my face and I got back in his face he was 14 and 3 times my size and I got him to back off because I was PISSED! And im the worst thing to mess with while pissed off  I cussed someone out for honking there horn at me while I was walkign down the road I told him that if he honks his horn again i'll slice his ass beleive me I aint nice.

What I did wasn't new worthy because it was just me saving some kid from being chocked to death no big deal

Im 15 and my dad say's I need to learn
I have no were's to go im in the middle of like nowere's and walking down the road will just get me hit by a semi because my house is on a highway.

Btw I get out on weekends and visit my cousin who does somthing that will almost get us arrested/killed like yesterday driving his street ill-legal go kart on the street at speeds excess of 50 mph breaking the speed limit why we was yelling 'YEA BITCH'S HA HA HA" Just for fun.
3 time the cops were called on us not once did the cop find us :D third time they was CLOSE but we hid behind a f150 and he went right by us.

Thats the biggest bullstuff i have ever heard. stop trying to act cool it's annoying and it makes you look like an idiot.

I don't think your average go-kart can even travel at 50km/h.

I don't think your average go-kart can even travel at 50km/h.

Even if he has one. He's to fat to ride it.

Even if he has one. He's to fat to ride it.
wat a faty NOBE!!

Someone made me mad so I tried to bash there head in with a bat but he ran away on his bike

Anger Issues?