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Author Topic: Slayer  (Read 211035 times)

Nope, I don't need the log!

Thanks though, I'm taking notes: https://bitbucket.org/Greek2me/slayer/issues?status=new&status=open&component=Bots

Instead of choosing a random path, you might want to add how often each node is traversed to it's cost. Alternatively just something similar, such as adding cost to all nodes traversed by a bot if it dies before reaching its goal.

Instead of choosing a random path, you might want to add how often each node is traversed to it's cost. Alternatively just something similar, such as adding cost to all nodes traversed by a bot if it dies before reaching its goal.

Not a bad idea. That could allow for different paths every time.

One more thing, I notice that bots from slayer will drop ammo from weapon sets like T+T, Frog's Weaponry, Warhammer40k, and so on. Do you think it could be possible for something to make bots have infinite ammo for these weapon sets? They can reload the weapons just fine, but once they run out of ammo they can't shoot anymore.

My duplicator keep leaving its ghost behind even thoughI press the cancel bricks Button. it only seems to happen
When i use this version of slayer.

My duplicator keep leaving its ghost behind even thoughI press the cancel bricks Button. it only seems to happen
When i use this version of slayer.
This also, it is very annoying, and I have tested that slayer does this.

One more thing, I notice that bots from slayer will drop ammo from weapon sets like T+T, Frog's Weaponry, Warhammer40k, and so on. Do you think it could be possible for something to make bots have infinite ammo for these weapon sets? They can reload the weapons just fine, but once they run out of ammo they can't shoot anymore.

That would really depend on the makers of those packs adding proper support for bots.

My duplicator keep leaving its ghost behind even thoughI press the cancel bricks Button. it only seems to happen
When i use this version of slayer.

I've had this problem as well but I believe it's just a problem with the duplicator. I was able to reproduce it (although I've now forgotten the steps). Basically if you did certain things like selecting a brick from your cart I think it would stay there.

i think you can clear them by either getting the /clearghostbricks command or by building a cube over or partially inside the ghost bricks.

Some more suggestions:
1. Have path nodes that have the same name be one path which is completely separate from the others. So if I named a path of node bricks "path1" and another group "path2," whichever name the bot chooses he can only follow that path to a rally point (if it chose path1 then it cannot go into path2).
2. Have another path node and rally node brick called "teampathnode/rallypoint." Then whatever color the brick is, only that team of bots can use those node bricks. I say have another because there could be times where you want bots to share paths and such.

I really want something at least like the naming paths so that I could create paths similar to this:

The red bricks are path nodes. Currently when I try this the bots just go straight to the rally point (it's inside the tunnel by the store) or just stay at spawn. I'm guessing there are too many paths and that's why it's not working. With a naming system, I could easily make this work with having bots file down different streets which would all lead to one point.

Will you eventually allow slayer to use lives, with people's targets changing if they lose their last life? That would open some... interesting possibilities.

what do you mean by people's targets changing
a lives system is already included by default.

Some more suggestions:

I like the ideas. My goal though is to actually get rid of nodes. It's just a lot of work to do.

One more, anyway to have more than 10 bots for a team? I really would like to not have a limit as to how many I can make (at least 100 max).

One more, anyway to have more than 10 bots for a team? I really would like to not have a limit as to how many I can make (at least 100 max).

There is a limit of 99 bots per team, although you will likely hit the bot quota before that.

You can definitely add more than 10 by increasing the "Preferred Players."

Ah now I know why it wouldn't work because I was trying to make it 100 and it wouldn't add the other zero, thanks.