Author Topic: CI damage Displaying oddly.  (Read 497 times)

Code: [Select]
AddDamageType("PoisonDart",   '<bitmap:Add-Ons/Weapon_Blowdart/CI_dart> %1',    '%2 <bitmap:Add-Ons/Weapon_Blowdart/CI_dart> %1',0.5,1);This is the code for the Damage.  All I want is it to say the attacker killing the victim.  It says so far.

(CI_dart) Victim

I was using the slayer gamemode when this happened on team slayer.  If it's a problem between the gamemode and bots, please let me know.  I wasn't able to test it in normal deathmatch, but this is about as far as I was able to test.  If an experienced scripter could rearrange the script or rewrite it, I would greatly appriciate it.

Seems to be a problem with the bots, reading a different topic, but I am unable to look into it now.