Author Topic: Beta Stories  (Read 3723 times)

>Grocery shopping
>Cute cashier girl
>Smiles at me and blushes
>Never happened to me before
>She asks if I want anything else
>Wannabe alpha mode engaged.
>"A pack of cigarettes. And maybe a cup of coffee with you?"
>She blushes
>My stomach rumbles
>Butterflies in stomach?
>Wet fart
>Her cute smile turns into a frown, as she looks at me in disgust
>Smells rancid
>Actually diarrhea
>Run outside
>Puke from disgust, anger and shame
>Notice a trail of liquid stuff had followed me outside
>Cute girl is crying, she probably has to clean it up

Beta as forget

>walking around
>see girl

I'm really sorry, but I couldnt help but to lmao

This topic's OP post is so wonderful to read. I think I might just read it again for fun.

oh god what the forget

that's seriously forgeted up

>See girl in store
>Asks to pay for me
>Jizz in pants

I dunno lol

>go to the theater alone
>walk into the main entrance
>my cape gets caught on the door
>some dude helps me get it out
>walk away quickly without thanking him
>purchase my ticket and get into the theater
>guy sits down next to me
>realize it's the dude who helped me get my cape out of the door
>he shivers
>put my cape over both of us
>pull out my insulated thermos of warm spaghetti
>we eat it together while watching the movie
>bros for life

you some type of superhero or something with a cape and stuff

>will never know what it's like to be beta

beta as forget

>die on the inside
>bring lovey back

>apple as forget

>making game
>test it
>entire game whacks out and glitches

will fix in beta

>Too lazy to finish game
>Release unfinished game for $$$
>Update whenever I feel like it
>Never plan to finish it
>Spend money on hos

>Too lazy to finish game
>Release unfinished game for $$$
>Update whenever I feel like it
>Never plan to finish it
>Spend money on hos

more like

>be a girl
>people spend money on you
>be a ho