Author Topic: Anti Jokes  (Read 2799 times)

Knock knock.
Who's there?
The FBI. We found two dumpsters full of methamphetamine in your garage. You are under arrest for the possession and illegal trafficking of drugs.

How many Alzheimer's patients does it take to screw in a lightbulb.

To get to the other side.

What do you call 50 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
A horrible boating accident.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Pshh i don't give a stuff stop wasting your time reading this.
I made that one up right thar

Yo mamma so fat(five seconds go by)
What you expect something after that, I was stating the obvious.

what did the orphan get for christmas? cancer.

what gets louder and louder as it gets smaller and smaller? a baby in a blender.

what can a bench do that a mexican can't? survive in space.

what did the black guy do with the white guy's bucket of KFC? he politely handed it to him, received the payment, and said "have a nice day sir," he later went home to enjoy a relaxing evening with his girlfriend as he was only 17.

A duck walks into a bar and orders a drink, "Put it on my bill!."

The bar-keep doesn't speak English.

What's large, white, and can't climb trees?

A refrigerator.

It's your birthday and your friends hire a stripper and get a cake for you.
They put the stripper in the cake and forget about her.
She suffocates and you cut her in two.


Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I am a dog.

What's large, greasy and can't do exercise?

Whats the difference between a bartender and a comedian?
they both have different jobs.

What does a man a women do when they love each other very much?
Dual Self Delete.

What does a man a women do when they love each other very much?
Dual Self Delete.
ahh i don't get it