
What do you think of Earth 6.0, hosted by Gojira?

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Author Topic: Earth 5.0 - Welcome to Terra (discussion)  (Read 154868 times)

Lol, Facepalm, what do you mean "we're?" Your country is dirt compared to mine. I just wish Gojira and I could get on better terms, he was my bro A LOT earlier than he was yours :o
Facepalm just wants his land back :c
Besides, would it be possible for you to transport your population to a new area?

I want to get on better terms.
Never planning on attacking, even one of your allies, unless one of them attacks me or one of my allies.

if a hostile's military is small/weak/poorly trained enough i'll seize the land

Cadeltau? What is that? Oh, you mean that land I seized from you guys? I mean, It's not like if you nuke it, it will make anything better. Infact, if you nuke it, the population will support Vona EVEN MORE.

Plus, I have a lot of anti-nuclear devices.
I understand that you have anti-nuclear devices, but what good would that do against a projectile traveling more than 2500 meters per second, and twelve of them at that, all pointed at different cities?
Plus countermeasures?
Not going to, just trying to make a point.

I'm not giving the land back

I'm not giving the land back
Allies, though?
Holdon. I'm thinking.
of attacking?
if so then you're stupid
your tiny country against a superpower

Not allies, just, "Friendly interests."

Not allies, just, "Friendly interests."
Not allies but not planning on trying to slaughter each other, right?

If you'd like to put it that way, then... Yes

Okay, here I go.

The Vonian-Glaktatian Desert Division

This divides Cadeltau into 3 pieces depending on country size.



Green=Glaktatian Colony

This pact is proposed in order to settle conficts involving the struggle over Cadeltau.
An embassy will be placed in the center of each third.

i'm okay with this
now we just need Mikoyan's say.

The National Guard along with the armed forces are being deployed to the borders.

The President simply says, "No."

aside from QuantumEagle, I'm the only one with anything remotely like a nuclear bomb
i'm almost certain that Quantum will be the next superpower.
We know.
We've known. For a long time.

Because you're totally a superpower just because you have nukes.

Because you're totally a superpower just because you have nukes.
If you've bothered to go read my last several posts in this thread you would have figured out I've been doing more with military than by building nukes.

Thanks Mikoyan, the map has been updated.

If you've bothered to go read my last several posts in this thread you would have figured out I've been doing more with military than by building nukes.
Ok, so you have boats, aircraft, and rock? and you did it all in 2 months which is COMPLETELY against the rules?