Author Topic: {EC} Engineering Core - Early Restart!  (Read 3484 times)

  • Sometime in February/March - {EC} is created in Blockland.
  • Sometime in March - Another clan combines with {EC}
  • April 1st, 2011 - {EC} Topic is created
  • April 7th, 2011 - Meteor is now an ally
  • April 14th, 2011 - Clan Site is announced to the public
  • June 7th, 2011 - Clan booth for Blockoworld is under construction
  • June 7th, 2011 - {EC} and [SS] (Scattered Space) are now allies. :D
  • September 28, 2011 - Clan is reopened

After the death of the Dark Clan, (which wasn't the best clan) I let it go for a while to die down and just let everything settle. Then I decided to re-ramp everything and try it all again.

We accept any member who proves themselves not to be an idiot and has skill.

When applying, you have to consider four branches for the clan:

    Building (Construction)
    Modding (Technicians)
    Filming/Video Effects
    Other (RPers, Artists, etc.)

I will be setting basic guidelines, but nothing specific for now. I want to see what kind applications I get.

Building - Needs a good number of bricks, but not spammy. I define spam as anything unnecessary. The preferred theme for the build is Army, War, or Battlefield builds. Battlefields can't just be some random TDM. They need to be like an actual battlefield.

Eventing - Events need to have a purpose. They need to be easy to understand and can't just be some relaying crap. Noob traps do not counts as applications.

Modders - Models need to be good, blocko with some detail. If based of other things, they should balance the realism and detail with blocko style and blocklands limits. Scripts also need to be well made. I may not be able to read them, but I can give it to someone who can and have them brown townyze it for me.

Filmers - Videos will be judged by quality and effects. If the user has a youtube account, videos currently on that account will be reviewed.

Commanders and Generals (Clan Administrators and Leaders)

1)    Killer2 - Clan Leader - Builder/Eventer/Modeler/Scripter/Filmer
2)    A Twig - Advisor - Weapons/Builder/Eventer/Forum Administrator
3)    Pengie - Advisor - Graphic Designer/Builder/Forum Administrator
4)    Black Tide_The Surgeon - Advisor - Builder

105th Legion (Builders)

5)    nolangunnar - Trainee
6)    seth07 - Regular (?)
7)    Kohna - Regular (?)
8)    Morningstar - Regular (?)
9)  Plethera - Regular (?)
10)  Hunt465 - Trainee
11)  Internet - Trainee

386th Legion (Modders)
12)    Block_Cop - Weapons
13)    Sgt. A Walter - Weapons
14)    Mega Bear - Map Maker
15)   Zorro Limit - Weapons
16)    Pi/TheKhoz - Weapons

951st Legion (Filmers)
17)    Sirherg1
18)    Cody Max

  • Aeschylus - General Bitch who shows no respect for others
  • Darksnow - Abandonment & "part member" bullstuff. Argumentative and holds a grudge.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 10:14:46 PM by PVC Potato Gun »

Members need to contact me to stay on the list or they will be removed!

Sgt. A Walter will be sending me new things to show off for him :D


- Microblock
- Krypt
- Scattered Space

« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 12:47:25 PM by PVC Potato Gun »

Mind telling em which list?

Oh snap! I'd like to stay.

Mind telling em which list?
Member list obviously.

Then start cranking out a map {EC} can use.

Then start cranking out a map {EC} can use.
Candyland? :cookieMonster:

Nobody steal this idea I'm actually making a Candyland map loel.

Candyland? :cookieMonster:

Nobody steal this idea I'm actually making a Candyland map loel.

Na, a good TDM map that is simulated like an urban battlefield.

Oh, I think one of the maps I have planned would be great. I've been wanting to make a TDM map for a while.

Oh, I think one of the maps I have planned would be great. I've been wanting to make a TDM map for a while.

- Urban
- Building sizes can fit baseplates and the floors are indented to fit these
- Battlefield worn
- Secret Areas
- An underground area seperated from the rest of the map that can be used by the clan for our purposes

- Urban
- Building sizes can fit baseplates and the floors are indented to fit these
- Battlefield worn
- Secret Areas
- An underground area seperated from the rest of the map that can be used by the clan for our purposes
Not bad, though aligning stuff perfectly to the brick grid is super hard, as are underground structures. If anything I'll probably make it similar in style to GCat's Afghanistan, with the little towns spread about.

I just got Sgt. A Walter's New Weapon Pack. It's alpha btw. I'll be hosting it with a map he made. Soon.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 11:14:21 PM by PVC Potato Gun »

this looks cool. maybe i will join

Come join the server people :P