Author Topic: Instrument general discussion.  (Read 753 times)

I got a mandolin today at a garage sale for $25 dollars with some stuff broke, took it to a music store and got it repair, its good as new now, for less than a total of $80 and this thing is fun. Have you guys ever played one, or do you?

I also own a Fender Stratocaster, Some rip off les paul, and a few acoustic guitars, including one twelve string guitar that sounds quite good. I'm not great at guitar, i'm really not even good at it, but i do play in my free time, i mainly learn songs by tabs.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 02:49:45 PM by duke 838 »

Come on guys these things are pretty fun :D

you know what mandolin rhymes with?



you know what mandolin rhymes with?


You're an idiot.

I guess they're fun.

You'd be better off playing a Lute and other funny name instruments.

I've been playing tenor saxophone for five years. I want a set of bagpipes, because I hear their fingerings are much the same as those of a saxophone.

I play piano, guitar, and ukulele :3 do i win yet?

I play T.C Baritone. I have a silver one in band, so I have to wear gloves so I don't ruin it.
Me: "Because it ruins the instrument's f-"
Everybody: "UHUH I SEE."

I also own a Fender Stratocaster, Some rip off les paul, and a few acoustic guitars, including one twelve string guitar that sounds quite good. I'm not great at guitar, i'm really not even good at it, but i do play in my free time, i mainly learn songs by tabs.
lol, you own quite many guitars for not being a good guitarist :P
I own a Les Paul (not Gibson, some cheap rip-off) and a classical guitar (nylon). I'm kinda like you: playing in my free time, self-taught, and learning by tabs. And not very good :P

I started playing the saxophone in 6th grade this year.