Author Topic: The plan for v20  (Read 46527 times)

Literally the single least important feature in Blockland.

i agree.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 04:00:38 PM by otto-san »

The launcher downloads the game to %userprofile%/My Documents/Blockland/ (windows) or /Users/<username>/Documents/Blockland/ (mac) and runs the game from there.  Everything inside the Blockland folder is the same. There should be no compatibility problems.
Is BlocklandLauncher in the original Blockland folder?

And, does everyone have to update at once?

i agree.
i mainly just want graphical changes and the ability to do more. i hate when cool ideas are shot down by "can't be done in blockland" due to restrictions. i would love to be able to drive a tank AND be the gunner at the same time, or render things only to certain players (like flares lets say only red team can see).

i mainly just want graphical changes and the ability to do more. i hate when cool ideas are shot down by "can't be done in blockland" due to restrictions. i would love to be able to drive a tank AND be the gunner at the same time, or render things only to certain players (like flares lets say only red team can see).
I would love collision layering, mostly. I haven't any hope of it being added, but it'd open up at least one new door for modding.

When it updates will it automatically move everything over to the new spot? Like screenshots, saves, all that.

I'm gonna make a backup of my files just incase the update truly f**ks it up.

When it updates will it automatically move everything over to the new spot? Like screenshots, saves, all that.
These aren't going to be moved, only the game files are.

As people (Kalphiter) already asked before me have with no answer, is it possible to have multiple installs under the same user account?

Yay, some info on V20, I really like the launcher.

This explains why it's been so long.

Except for the builds currently on the server. So for that he would either have to make it "hot-swappable" or he would have to implement Minecraft-ish autosave/-load.

I don't see how this wouldn't be a hassle to do, if programed to do it before the server shuts down.

Speaking of the way Minecraft runs, if we are going to compare the dedicated launchers, then I must say that I think the Blockland Server.exe will be very similar to the Minecraft Server.exe. Of course, the Java console won't appear, but the way the files are stored and read will be the same, unless there is another way that Baddy is doing this.

The launcher downloads the game to %userprofile%/My Documents/Blockland/ (windows) or /Users/<username>/Documents/Blockland/ (mac) and runs the game from there.  Everything inside the Blockland folder is the same.  There should be no compatibility problems.

I'm reading the path file for windows and all I have to say is, that will be a pain in the ass to find if you aren't familiar with it. I would rather keep everything in one place, than have two separate areas where files are stored.

Wut? It's not hard to get to. Just go to 'My Documents' in the start menu.

Wut? It's not hard to get to. Just go to 'My Documents' in the start menu.

It's just not something you would see usually in a game.

Did you fix the weird rainbow-like glitch that you see on macs when you look at a large group of bricks a certain way?

Looks nice.

One question: My computer likes saving applications to Program Files (x86), will that make any difference?