Author Topic: RedGaijin's overall opinion on (good) music - keep your electronic stuff out pls  (Read 4977 times)

Good music is defined as mass opinions. I like Nightwish, Lordi, and Caravan Palace. Those are not common bands, but IMO their music is good. I hate modern rap because its all loveBLOODDRUGSKILLING. The oldschool rap was and still is the best kind of rap that will exist.

Edit: IMO RedGajin is a stupid little kid who cant handle other people not liking the same music.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 12:56:05 AM by Eryehk »

I hate modern rap because its all loveBLOODDRUGSKILLING.
please take your douchiness out of here

please take your douchiness out of here
Prove me wrong then, like 98% of all rap that is being made now is more or less just what i said, very rarely do they create a mainstream old school rap styled song.

this wonderful thread
A wonderful thread consists of people harshly judging others on their opinions?

I personally dislike rap, dubstep, jazz, classic, and heavy metal music. I don't listen to funk, house, or etc. very much, so I'll look at your examples.
I have no soul; but I love alternative songs, such as Ok Go.

8Bit ftw.

There is no good music. There is only opinions on music that vary more than one might imagine. Red, you can't really insult people for listening to "bad music" and "electronic stuff". You said it in the title: "overall opinion on music". So you can't really go calling other genres stuff, just because you don't like them. And you know what? If nobody liked it, they wouldn't make it. So obviously at least a few people out there like the electronic stuff.

As far as my opinion goes, I don't care much for the rap music, but I can always appreciate some BB King.

Prove me wrong then, like 98% of all rap that is being made now is more or less just what i said, very rarely do they create a mainstream old school rap styled song.
just please get out
i have never met a person that was all "HEH rap is all about bling and bitches i only listen to REAL MUSIC" that wasn't insufferable

Way to be a gigantic tool. You are writing someone off because they don't like your musical taste.

Some examples of the bands I posted.
Nightwish- Poet and the Pendulum
Lordi- Blood-Red Sandman
Lordi- Would you love a monsterman (Better than Bloodredsandman imo but both are good)
Caravan Palace
Caravan Palace - Suzy

Way to be a gigantic tool. You are writing someone off because they don't like your musical taste.

Some examples of the bands I posted.
Nightwish- Poet and the Pendulum
Lordi- Blood-Red Sandman
Lordi- Would you love a monsterman (Better than Bloodredsandman imo but both are good)
Caravan Palace
Caravan Palace - Suzy
which is a valid thing to do if they're smug about rap

sugar hill gang!
Oh god used to love them

Also, for all you people taking this stuff so goddamn seriously, I'm making a goddamn opinion and not at all thinking that my way is the only way.
Edit: IMO RedGajin is a stupid little kid who cant handle other people not liking the same music.
Yeah mang opinions are really stupid.

Anything from Animals as Leaders

climaxic polyrhythm gods

which is a valid thing to do if they're smug about rap
I just stated I hate the way rap is turning out because someone decided to change the way it was headed. I enjoy the oldschool rap/hip hop. The lyrics of the songs had meaning to them. Not "If you be a nympho, I'll be a nympho".

I just stated I hate the way rap is turning out because someone decided to change the way it was headed. I enjoy the oldschool rap/hip hop. The lyrics of the songs had meaning to them. Not "If you be a nympho, I'll be a nympho".
~*^deep meaning^*~

I like psychadelic/funk rock.

Tame Impala - Solitude is Bliss
It's all about a crazy ass trip.  Great song.