Author Topic: Brickbuddies  (Read 15301 times)

You can just make them with events :o
sure, but it's quicker just to use a command.  :cookieMonster:

They made meh crash, re-d-ling

They're cute little things. But do they actually do anything?
they can move and do something like just move

sure, but it's quicker just to use a command.  :cookieMonster:
True but if you do it with events you can make them do much more.

Do they act as bots do?
well, they are bots.

True but if you do it with events you can make them do much more.
You can event these too- onbottouch
But yeah I know what you mean

Awwww! These little guys are epic!

This works now!
Or maybe you became intelligent enough to use them. Good job.