Author Topic: Need a skybox  (Read 5258 times)

This skybox has to have the sky covered in clouds, not cartoony, and not low quality either, no moon either....sadly, I cannot find this on google, can any of you help?

Look at the skybox resources Ghost posted in his maps' topic.

The websites are in my mapping tutorial as well.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 04:11:58 PM by Wesley Williams »

This skybox has to have the sky covered in clouds, not cartoony, and not low quality either, no moon either....sadly, I cannot find this on google, can any of you help?
Generating... Processing...
Is this correct master?

Additionally, you can download SkyPanorama and make one yourself. It can make some very beautiful skies, and just by your description I can tell you would be pleased.

Generating... Processing...

Search failed. Irrelevant image acquired.

Skyboxes need at least 5 images to function - they aren't just a simple image of a sky.

Night, I'm going to assume from the "no moon", but cloudy, one second.

I'm actually looking for one with a moon and cloudy. I wish Sky Panorama could make night skies, not just stars.

You could make one in terragen?

Terragen has never worked for me, although last time I tried was when I was on Vista. Maybe I'll give it another shot.

I can make a skybox if you wish.
PM me with details and I'll try to get as close as possible.

Actually I just tried Terragen again, and it worked. I have a lovey sky too... just how do you export it?

And it's a nighttime sky with clouds, if you wish to make it.

To export it, I think there is a plug-in.

Hrm, I don't know... I searched about it on Google but couldn't find anything really useful.

Hrm, I don't know... I searched about it on Google but couldn't find anything really useful.

Skip the last step though. Instead of exporting them to .tga files or whatever and turning them into vmt files, convert the bmp files into jpg or png files or whatever skies use for textures. Name them 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, then order them correctly in the resource.dml file.

That's the tutorial I was following, I just want sure about the script bit. Should be alright, though.