Author Topic: The Computer Megathread  (Read 421053 times)

2 years of security updates doesn't seem that bad.

MS will probably release another OS or be close to by then.
hopefully Windows 9 will be better, because of Microsoft's tick-tock OS cycle (the tick is when Microsoft releases a good OS, and the tock is when Microsoft releases a bad OS)
I need a desktop build with the same or better performance than this.

bonus points if it is easily hackintosh compatible (ie. no hacks/unofficial drivers, just native stuff) (again, this is optional)
hackintosh is piracy
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 07:32:06 PM by Axolotl2 »

hackintosh is piracy
No, torrenting an iso of Lion without purchasing is.

I already have a disc for Lion, so please get your facts right.

what is a hackintosh anyways

what is a hackintosh anyways
Installing Mac OS X on a non-apple machine.

upgrade to Windows 7 to keep getting security updates after April 8, 2014 kthxbai
incompatible with my system, kthxbai

No, torrenting an iso of Lion without purchasing is.

I already have a disc for Lion, so please get your facts right.
oh, well that's good then

but still, you're breaking Apple's EULAs, which is probably illegal since once you hit that "agree" button, you are legally bound to it.
incompatible with my system, kthxbai
stop using a 486, kthxbai

stop using a 486, kthxbai
it's funny because i'm using an x86-64
it hates my motherboard

oh, well that's good then

but still, you're breaking Apple's EULAs, which is probably illegal since once you hit that "agree" button, you are legally bound to it.
It is illegal, but so are drugs (I hate to compare the two) and they are allowed on the forums

GNOME 3 is scaring me :(

upgrade to Windows 7 to keep getting security updates after April 8, 2014 kthxbai

i use windows XP because i find it much better for my everyday use and needs. i'm not digging up some windows 7 disc just for installing it on a second hard disc.

your computer should work as long as the keyboard isn't overheating too much.
edit: frontrox was here.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 01:48:14 AM by Ceist »

it's funny because i'm using an x86-64
it hates my motherboard
Yar some old motherboards from 2004 - 2006 era have a real problem with Vista and 7. Especially Asus A8N range.

I'm building a higher-mid range computer for my school's library (club). The people there don't know that much about computers but they looove lovey ones. Can you guys recommend me some lovey mid towers with side panels? And/or parts that will fit under $900

I'm building a higher-mid range computer for my school's library (club). The people there don't know that much about computers but they looove lovey ones. Can you guys recommend me some lovey mid towers with side panels? And/or parts that will fit under $900


just buy some stuffty one and buy a $30 case

I'm building a higher-mid range computer for my school's library (club). The people there don't know that much about computers but they looove lovey ones. Can you guys recommend me some lovey mid towers with side panels? And/or parts that will fit under $900
What's it gonna be used for?