Author Topic: The Computer Megathread  (Read 422479 times)

I'll get you a good build, give me a bit

HerpaDerp to tha rescue!111

Any other suggestions for $40-60 range gaming mice?


HerpaDerp to tha rescue!111

kinda busy right now so I'll get you it later today

kinda busy right now so I'll get you it later today
Did you ever get it :C?

Any other suggestions for $40-60 range gaming mice?
I use the Logitech MX518, though it's quite old by now.

I want to become an electronical engineer

How do I disable a laptop keyboard? It doesn't respond anymore, so I have to use an external keyboard. The problem is whenever I boot it up it spams the password bar disallowing me to log in, rarely does it not do that. Also, I can't delete the driver because it always reinstalls it when I boot the laptop up. I do not want to get in too deep such as removing the keyboard itself.

because the whole concept of electronics is interesting

diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and relays

I need a new computer, I have €800 to spend and no idea what to get.
It would be great if someone could find and list the parts for me so I can print them out.
I suggest at least 6GB of DDR3 RAM, 1GB GPU, and a 4 core CPU. Someone else can find the parts for you, I'm too busy.

I need a new computer, I have €800 to spend and no idea what to get.
It would be great if someone could find and list the parts for me so I can print them out.
I'm on it. What are some good euro sites for computer parts?

I need a new mouse. Preferably a good gaming mouse with good dpi and around $40-60.

Can somebody make me a list to build a computer for about $900-1000?

The only thing i don't need is a hard drive, because i am going to recycle my current one. im looking for a gpu that is good enough to run bf3 at at least high graphics. im not picky about the case, so just a cheap and sturdy one would be nice. i also would like 8gb ram, and a good processor above 3.2ghz. if the price goes above my budget that is ok if it makes the computer better, but my MAX is $1100. all the other stuff is your choice.

thank you
Yeah I'm on it. Just one question, is your hard drive a 7200RPM model at least? It would be worth upgrading if it isn't.

I'm on it. What are some good euro sites for computer parts?

since he is from NL:

I often bought from their german site, second best prices in germany.

best Prices in Germany: (but 30 euro shipping to NL)

I was thinking of getting a $1500 computer setup for my birthday sometime in May.
I already have a GTX GeForce 550 Ti Graphics card so I don't need to buy a new one.
Would any of you recommend the $1500 OP computer setup?
1. That build list is outdated. I need to get around to redoing them.

2. A 550ti really quite honestly sucks for anything over a $700 build, so you'd definitely upgrade if you had $1500.

3. I can get you an updated parts list if you want?

1. That build list is outdated. I need to get around to redoing them.

2. A 550ti really quite honestly sucks for anything over a $700 build, so you'd definitely upgrade if you had $1500.

3. I can get you an updated parts list if you want?

you can doit Ethan, I got really busy over the weekend so i can't do his build