Author Topic: The Computer Megathread  (Read 422386 times)

Since I already have windows installed on my hard drive, and I wanted to use a SSD to boot, is there anyway I could change it without loosing data or not?

So I'm looking for a new PSU because my current one is kind of precariously clinging to my motherboard because it decided not to fully clip in for some reason.  Can someone who knows more than me suggest me a PSU?

Currently I'm running:

My current PSU (mind you, I bought this in 2009 so I was 14 and stupid):

So I'm looking for a new PSU because my current one is kind of precariously clinging to my motherboard because it decided not to fully clip in for some reason.  Can someone who knows more than me suggest me a PSU?

Currently I'm running:

My current PSU (mind you, I bought this in 2009 so I was 14 and stupid):

This is a fantastic PSU for the price, also 600W.

What is the best worldwide brand of computers that offer good gaming laptops? I'm looking forward to buying a laptop with a comfortable keyboard up to $2,300.

This thing has the best motherloving graphics card on the market.
Plus it's 17 inches, 1080p, has a 7200rpm 750gb hard drive, 256gb SSD, 16gb of ram, an I7 and Blu-Ray.

This is a fantastic PSU for the price, also 600W.
Can you provide a link to whatever you're describing?

Since I already have windows installed on my hard drive, and I wanted to use a SSD to boot, is there anyway I could change it without loosing data or not?
I'm pretty sure there's some bootable software that aids in this, I've read somewhere that SSD upgrade kits aren't the best, but are an alternative.
You have a drive for everything? Badass.
partitions are cool things aren't they
What is the best worldwide brand of computers that offer good gaming laptops? I'm looking forward to buying a laptop with a comfortable keyboard up to $2,300.
ASUS and MSi have plenty of nice laptops, but if you're looking for comfort while typing, I've heard good things about Lenevo
This thing has the best motherloving graphics card on the market.
Plus it's 17 inches, 1080p, has a 7200rpm 750gb hard drive, 256gb SSD, 16gb of ram, an I7 and Blu-Ray.
jesus christ do you even need all this
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 12:47:13 AM by KoopaScooper »

I'm going to get a build computer for christmas, and if I'm lucky, my processor from my old computer still works.
( We're not sure if this processor went klapooey from an electrical surge and then fried my motherboard or if the electrical surge fried just my motherboard, or both. I want to take it to my local computer store and test it out, and if it works, we'll use it on my christmas present and all I have to do is then buy the same motherboard from before.

If it's not, I want some help from you guys to build a new computer that will be in a budget of $200. This low because I already have a few things i could plug into it that will lower my price such as the gpu.

How's this?

The above post was the last time I ever checked this topic. I had forgotten of this topic, still don't really remember it, but it has been 11 months...

What is the best worldwide brand of computers that offer good gaming laptops? I'm looking forward to buying a laptop with a comfortable keyboard up to $2,300.


zomg alionware!!1

650Ti seems pretty good for it's price point, Anybody got any objections to it?

I'm going to get a build computer for christmas, and if I'm lucky, my processor from my old computer still works.
( We're not sure if this processor went klapooey from an electrical surge and then fried my motherboard or if the electrical surge fried just my motherboard, or both. I want to take it to my local computer store and test it out, and if it works, we'll use it on my christmas present and all I have to do is then buy the same motherboard from before.

If it's not, I want some help from you guys to build a new computer that will be in a budget of $200. This low because I already have a few things i could plug into it that will lower my price such as the gpu.

list all of the components you already have (assuming you have more than CPU/GPU because you said "a few things")

I wouldn't recommend re-using a CPU and buying the same motherboard, though. that's fairly old technology. (5 year old CPU)

list all of the components you already have (assuming you have more than CPU/GPU because you said "a few things")

I wouldn't recommend re-using a CPU and buying the same motherboard, though. that's fairly old technology. (5 year old CPU)

If he has that cpu I imagine he can't reuse much from his old computer

(Sorry if a similar question was answered already, don't feel like reading through a ton of pages)

Can anyone recommend a ~$200 video card? Will pay more if price/performance boost is significant. Don't care if nvidia or ati.

Specs if you want: power supply
Will also be buying 4gb more ram,