Author Topic: ATKitton best not be bant. (New title, JUST KIDDING!!!!)  (Read 10895 times)

The funny thing is I am not even on this scale, you would have to put me in the negatives.

The funny thing is I am not even on this scale, you would have to put me in the negatives.
im a 1 - 2 ish

our society has demonized the female body due to male figure heads such as kings trying to keep their power by putting down around 50% of the population.

also, no where do i se nipple in that picture.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 11:18:41 PM by fred da kiko »

she hasn't been banned. there's no nipple and i think the stocking phenomena applies to ATKitton too.

my forearms and cheeks are 3, what's covered by my shirt is 1, and everything else is 2.

my forearms and cheeks are 3, what's covered by my shirt is 1, and everything else is 2.
My foreskin is a 20 well the rest of me is a 2

Anyway, I still dont think its appropriate to be posting any sorts of rl nudity in a forum about legos. There are kids on these forums that dont need to be seeing that.

He uses as a common rebuttal "oh i'm older than you" or "you nerds need to get a life". He argues with asa that because he doesn't like breasts he is homoloveual. I don't really know the guy, but seriously, that's a richard move.

i have never mentioned my age. and i am never to cool for internet.
i am very careful of them things.

and asa IS gay