
Are you going to commit suicide now?

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Total Members Voted: 1061

Author Topic: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread  (Read 2282911 times)

You talkin bout olympics
I aint stufftin you brother.

I will stuff crappy fanships all over you, and you will drown in it.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 09:53:53 PM by Zanaran2 »

I aint stufftin you brother.
I will stuff nasty fanships all over you, and you will drown in it.
I already did and now i'm a ghost

Christ, stocking.
Why do you have so many images of this

Christ, stocking.
Why do you have so many images of this
she will just keep on posting

Christ, stocking.
Why do you have so many images of this

cause it makes her wet af what do you think.

Stocking just drenched her panties

Christ, stocking.
Why do you have so many images of this
Cause it's hot

God damnit mr man we were just saving this thread we need fat people

kinda hypocritical zan!
bowser doesn't wear clothes and he eats mario and luigi
starlow doesn't wear clothes
kirby doesn't wear clothes and it eats everything

Oh yeah if you can't tell this is a lineart of a 34 pic.
I don't want to post the full because that would be wasted brain cells and calories used to move my eyeballs across the screen.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 10:03:13 PM by Zanaran2 »

I was already going to use that image against you the second you said I wasn't a winner.
Oh, you want crappy fandoms?

Enjoy! I would post more but that stuff was mature content and I'd end up having to censor that!

I was already going to use that image against you the second you said I wasn't a winner.
Oh, you want crappy fandoms?
Enjoy! I would post more but that stuff was mature content and I'd end up having to censor that!
I don't see what's bad about the first one. It's actually pretty loving cool. Would sleep on.
The second one however...

[i mg]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/104/9/7/1302823740_vore_comic_page_35_by_karbo-d3cp2pb.png[/img]
[im g]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/028/2/8/felarya_manga_t5_page_70_by_karbo-d4nx6fk.jpg[/img]
Stocking just drenched her panties
Cause it's hot

>implying i havent already seen karbo's works a billion times already
>implying i dont own every volume of the manga including the spinoffs

praytell what is wrong with the second one
there is no fingering or rabblerousing and they're fine interpretations
i really like the way they portrayed his head as a hoodie as opposed to the other ones you've posted