
Are you going to commit suicide now?

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Total Members Voted: 1061

Author Topic: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread  (Read 2291319 times)

That one's actually kind of cute

this image is actually based on a story by some da user

spoiler: they get eaten


go fetch some more vore u weirdo -_-

spoiler: they get eaten

Giant tootsie rolls is a stand up comedian.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 08:23:42 AM by Space1255 »

That one's actually kind of cute

this image is actually based on a story by some da user

spoiler: they get eaten
Even better

It's that time of day again:

She is supposed to be pregnant with Xenomorphs. Xenomorphs. As in the things that burst out of chests. They are not cute.

It has 91 comments (no joke), but fortunately most of them are a part of this weird roleplay chain, going back and forth between two people.

cutedragongirl is the most cringe inducing DA artist i've seen

cutedragongirl is the most cringe inducing DA artist i've seen

so trainmaster finally has some competition?

Remember the guy that made the Childhood killing image?

I found another one

Remember the guy that made the Childhood killing image?

I found another one


Why. Just, why.

I can't tell whether it is the Sonic fandom or the MLP fandom that has more special interest art.

Image dump

This person's account is a goldmine of stuff

^Edgy as forget^

Inanimate Insanity/Battle for Dream island OC?

Is this really all that passes for an OC nowadays?
Just drawing on a still from the show you're making an OC for?


Dear God
going to repost this because it's worth it for bland level 9 anime drawings and constant churning out ocs