
Are you going to commit suicide now?

115 (10.8%)
151 (14.2%)
I already did
798 (75%)

Total Members Voted: 1061

Author Topic: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread  (Read 2278687 times)

is that supposed to be an absol

is that supposed to be an absol

it's so ms painty I can't even draw up a list of what it could be

is that supposed to be an absol
it's an ablax... whatever the hell that is

also deviantart muro is the new mspaint

[im g]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/317/7/c/give_gift__give_life__marionette_fnaf__by_the_pyromanecer-d8695d0.png[/img]
are you stuffting me
There is actually an actual full fledged game based on this crossover

It's currently in beta I believe

My reactions to this thread summed up in 3 pictures:
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 08:11:26 PM by Mr Unicode »

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 01:05:44 PM by Agent Legit 22 »

My reactions to this thread summed up in 3 pictures: (please note that I give credit to whoever posted the jontron face)

I cringed.

(please note that I give credit to whoever posted the jontron face)
Are you giving credit for a reaction image

Are you giving credit for a reaction image
he must be new here

oops, uh sorry, the image would break, i'll just link you it then.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 06:46:22 PM by Prokiller10 »