Author Topic: Blockland Video Directory!  (Read 4613 times)

You should change the OP to this.
Welcome to the Blockland Video Directory!

Where you can access HD Blockland videos that involves after affects and no lag what so ever all in one place!

« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 03:34:35 PM by Dillpickle »

You should change the OP to this.
Jesus Trogtor get over it, it was one loving video.

Jesus Trogtor get over it, it was one loving video.
It's loving stupid that you have to have a 5 star processor in order to make videos with no lag.

It's loving stupid that you have to have a 5 star processor in order to make videos with no lag.
I agree, and I totally get what you're saying, it's just that
He's not going to post the video in the OP.
(unless he changes his mind hehehurhur)

It's loving stupid that you have to have a 5 star processor in order to make videos with no lag.


To make videos with no lag you have to build sets and use servers that are sensitive to your CPU, and reduce lag by using as few players as possible and making spoof sets (for example, don't build a whole hotel if you are just going to film in three rooms, use a facade for the outside and build the sets individually) and use careful filming and intelligent editing to stop people noticing.


To make videos with no lag you have to build sets and use servers that are sensitive to your CPU, and reduce lag by using as few players as possible and making spoof sets (for example, don't build a whole hotel if you are just going to film in three rooms, use a facade for the outside and build the sets individually) and use careful filming and intelligent editing to stop people noticing.

When I run my fraps, my fps like drops 10 frames, whether its no bricks or 1000 bricks. hopefully I put the link in right as I'm on an iPod. It's the "I love the whole world" video by dillpickle