Author Topic: Gah, why are people like this?!  (Read 1215 times)

Okay, so some of you guys know I'm sick, and I obviously stayed home today. This doesn't mean I don't have to go and do chores. What I had to do today was go to the supermarket and get some milk. That's it. So while I'm walking, I'm coughing very hardly, my eyes were strained and shut. Due to this, I accidentally bump into some rich spray-tanned douche bag. As an impulse, I say, Sorry sir. His answer, Goddamn Mics. I kept walking. If weren't so sick I would've kicked this guy in the balls as hard as I can. Yet, I didn't. (He called me a mic because of my appearance and character; freckly, boston accent) He was definitely not from around here. He had a suit and proper attire, probably on a business trip or something.

I don't like people like this. (Yeah I edited it)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 07:19:01 PM by Funkadelic »

God damnit I would stab him and steal his coate

edit: every jersey shore cast has a nice leather coat
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 05:25:41 PM by Trogtor »

Hate people like what? You hardly even know the fellow. :o

God damnit I would stab him and steal his coat
Classic Trogtor

Hate people like what? You hardly even know the fellow. :o
I hate people that are extremely rude to strangers. Especially kids.

I hate people that are extremely rude to strangers. Especially kids.

that's the world in a nutshell

gets richer AND worse everyday

anyways, I would've let him walk until he turned his back on me, I'd grab a bottle of milk and pour it all in his pants and then run away screaming "YOU loving DOUUUUUCHE!"

(yeah, I am the most sick and twisted 13 year old in the world)

I hate people that are extremely rude to strangers.
Hating a stranger is hardly kind, my dear. We must examine ourselves before setting expectations for others.....


In the world we live in, it's sad that people have to act like jerks instead of taking an apology.
Did you get medicine?

In the world we live in, it's sad that people have to act like jerks instead of taking an apology.
Did you get medicine?
I know
we've gotta share
we've gotta care
we've gotta give peace a chance

Hating a stranger is hardly kind, my dear. We must examine ourselves before setting expectations for others.....

Is that you mom? :cookieMonster:

In the world we live in, it's sad that people have to act like jerks instead of taking an apology.
Did you get medicine?
Yep. Amoxicillin.


Gotta love 'em.

one thing I hate about our community now is the sudden influx of wiggers
>class debate in social studies
>civil rights
>makes flawless statement
>wigger steps up with his low pants and cookie monster hat and hoodie and stuff

one thing I hate about our community now is the sudden influx of wiggers
>class debate in social studies
>civil rights
>makes flawless statement
>wigger steps up with his low pants and cookie monster hat and hoodie and stuff




our generation in a nutshell