Author Topic: When are you going to die?  (Read 2354 times)

I eat a lot but I'm underweight by like ten pounds
Still you die quicker if you are really underweight.


I played with the results, I put "sadist" and it cut me down to 2034.

Sadists have short lives.

October 7th, 2080, eighty-three years old. Seems legit enough.


I played with the results, I put "sadist" and it cut me down to 2034.

Sadists have short lives.

Being optimistic/sadistic etc doesn't actually change how long you live.

It's the mode of the clock, not the mode of your lifestyle.

Each time I calculate, the death date is different.

Each time I calculate, the death date is different.
you doing the bdi correctly?

Saturday, January 5, 2069
I'm going to live till I'm 80 years old?
I thought it was gonna be 2035 or something.

you doing the bdi correctly?
Yeah, it's the same each time. 19.
I think this is fake.

Saturday, January 5, 2069
I'm going to live till I'm 80 years old?
I thought it was gonna be 2035 or something.
You're 11?

74 years old loving horsestuff

You're 11?
Wait a minute.
God damn i need to stop confusing stuff.
Here's the correct one.
Thursday, January 5, 2073.

Wait a minute.
God damn i need to stop confusing stuff.
Here's the correct one.
Thursday, January 5, 2073.

When my other 8 lives are over

Friday, February 13, 2012
Oh dear