
Read this first

then read this
and this
but this one last

Author Topic: Phydeoux's Add-on Topic  (Read 96212 times)

That map looks pretty cool.
Mind explaining why it is private?

Also, so far your add-ons are one of my favorites.
And i can't wait until the release of the military helicopters!

If i can think of something you could do i will sure post it here, but i don't have an idea atm.

Good luck.

And i can't wait until the release of the military helicopters!

don't count on it, he's stated that his progress on that is super slow since he's working on other projects.

also shishkebab will always be my favorite weapon, just remembered that add-on

That map looks pretty cool.
Mind explaining why it is private?

If it's private it's for a reason.

Private mean something not released to public

I guess it still in progress.

Make tanks and such?

And why are you not wanting to make train phy? ._.

Make tanks and such?

And why are you not wanting to make train phy? ._.
If you mean a real train as in with trailer kind of things behind it and stuff like that, then i would like to refer to the trailer for the truck thing.
He won't do that because that is either incredibly hacky or it just won't work properly.
don't count on it, he's stated that his progress on that is super slow since he's working on other projects.

also shishkebab will always be my favorite weapon, just remembered that add-on
So you say that slow progress means he won't release it, ever.
If it's private it's for a reason.

Private mean something not released to public

I guess it still in progress.
It looks pretty sweet so far though and most of the in progress stuff is beneath in progress so yeah.
Made me wonder.

Good luck and have fun!

Also just a little request, please make the collision mesh more like the jeep's, it would improve the usability of your cars on built terrain.

Good luck and have fun!

Also just a little request, please make the collision mesh more like the jeep's, it would improve the usability of your cars on built terrain.

yeah the only reason they are simple cubes is because i'm using milkshape, which sucks. i need to learn blender or something, so i can export vehicles with transparency, a more detailed collision, and the shadow is cast from the mesh.

Milkshape has 2 dts exporters. Dts, and dts plus. If i use Dts, then i can get those better collisions, and the shadow is cast from the mesh. This is what i used for the old delivery van/minivan (first ever vehicles) and converti. However, as you notice with those vehicles, they have terrible shading. Even if everything is shaded perfectly, when using the old dts exporter it decides to change everything up.

DTS Plus however doesn't forget up the shading like that, and i can get transparency for my windows. but then it uses the collision mesh for the shadow, and whenever i try to get a slightly more detailed collision, things start to go wrong. Last time i tried the car bounced of walls and rolled correctly, but all projectiles ghosted right through it. really weird.

Who knows, maybe there is something i'm missing about collision meshes. and yes, the LOD is always set to -1.

I found this tutorial to be really useful, and even though I already linked this probably, it is worth one more linking.


Also, what you mention sounds like you tried concave collision meshes.

But then how do I take care of the issue of the game using the collision for casting the shadow?

Unfortunately, you can't unless Badspot updates the engine which is unlikely.

But it seems like it would be an exporter issue, not necessarily an engine issue.
Like i said, when i use the old dts exporter, the shadow is from the vehicle, the collision is unseen.
But using dts plus is the opposite, the collision has shadow and the rest does not.
Make me feel like i have something backwards.

You wanna learn blender?
I can gather some downloads and tutorials for you!

If you considered doing it would you have uploaded some of the maps for public use?

Yeah I was going to upload the maps at one point, because i was getting tired of all the toony landscapes in most terrain maps. My 'Vast' maps have a larger terrain scale, and as such used really far visibility. But then Badspot restricted how far visibility can be set to in one of the updates, and it made my maps look like they were constantly having a sand or snow storm. So that discouraged me from releasing them.

If you tried to take the same picture of slopes as I did in that reference image, you wouldn't be able to; due to the visibility restriction.

But every now and then I'll host a server on one of those maps.