Author Topic: A day in the life of Stone Cold Steve Austin  (Read 31393 times)

I'll start:

8:00: Blockhead waked up

*Blockhead never dies. He is the son of Badspot.
*Blockhead can endure pain for only short durations.
*You MUST NOT ignore the above poster.
*You are in control of Blockhead. Make him do anything(Exept die)
*Blockhead had his dream brain cell removed. He can't dream at all.

Blockhead told Stone Cold Steve Austin to take over this thread.

*Stone Cold Steve Austin is the toughest SOB alive. He cannot die.
*His recovery is 95. He can only endure pain for short durations.
*Be creative, but don't take the story offtrack.
*You MUST NOT ignot the above poster.
*Stone Cold can't dream due to head injury.
*Don't forget up the time. It isn't funny.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 10:41:02 PM by Ninja guy »

8:01 blokhed got dedded


^ hopping on the bandwagon

8:01 Blockhead brushes his teeth

8:03 Blockhead eats a delicious breakfast of walrus tusks. Tasty.


Blockhead was trapped in a brick cage for the rest of his life.


Blockhead was trapped in a brick cage for the rest of his life.
^ hopping on the bandwagon

Blockhead walks outside his house

8:30 Blockhead goes to the store.

8:34 Blockhead realizes how stupid his life is.

8:34 Blockhead realizes how stupid his life is.

8:37 Blockhead get out of the store and miss the stairs and fall down
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 07:42:17 AM by MrLoL »

8:38 Blockhead falls on his head, goes into a weird coma-stasis hybrid and awakens 500 millions years in the future.

Blockhead thinks he really needs to stop smoking this stuff.


The year is now 5,002,011.
Earth has been destroyed by the sun in 2012, and over the past 5 million years earth has moved to Mars.
Blockhead finally wakes up.

He trips on a rock and wakes up at stairs.

Earth has been destroyed by the sun in 2012

could you be any more cliche? :u