Lord Tony is a little baby girl and an attention whore.

Author Topic: Lord Tony is a little baby girl and an attention whore.  (Read 148187 times)

This is just how Stocking feeds his ego.

Pretty much, you left out the part of the conversation where you were bragging about your supposed loveual encounters and then painfully admitted you were a virgin but I was worse off because I was a whore or something. You're kinda spot on though, I do take pleasure in writing stuff like that, but only because I know that you use this forum as a means of escapism and by throwing all your real-life ills into your face it sort of destroys that for you. I wasn't even sure it had any real effect on you until you changed your steam profile right after, left me alone on steam and on the forum for a while, and then changed your vendetta from "lol stokcins a man" to "STOKIN IS A BICH".

I sound petty and over-dramatic as forget right now though lol

richard move, guys.

CrCIA: lol is there a reason you added me on steam?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Just wanted to see if you would and then add in a witty remark.
CrCIA: uhh
CrCIA: as if youre capable of wit
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Oh I didn't mean me.
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I meant you adding in the witty remark
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: And it looks like I was right on the money ol' chap.
CrCIA: do you usually draw pride from predicting the obvious?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Nah I just like to make it as obvious as possible.
CrCIA: what the hell? that doesnt even make sense
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Of course it doesn't.
CrCIA: so you ready to stop the autism?
CrCIA: i posted signed pictures
CrCIA: you said they were fake
CrCIA: so i posted more
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: One can not simply stop autism.
CrCIA: went to bed, wake up and saw you were still complaining about them
CrCIA: so i got on cam
CrCIA: for two loving hours
CrCIA: in the middle of the night
CrCIA: went to bed
CrCIA: next day
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Shemales have protruding breasts the size of melons too.
CrCIA: got on cam again for like 30 minutes
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: it could always be your friend or sister, really.
CrCIA: how does that even make sense?
CrCIA: no kind of friend or sister would go three nights in a row taking pictures of herself so that her friend could pretend to be a girl on a forum about internet legos
CrCIA: youre loving handicapped
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Unless they want to help you troll.
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and even if you really are a girl I don't care.
CrCIA: youre going to keep trolling me anyways?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Oh no I am not trolling you.
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I don't like attention whores.
CrCIA: then how do you live with yourself
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: By doing what?
CrCIA: well you constantly double/triple post in threads
CrCIA: you post over and over again like
CrCIA: 5-6 posts in the same 2 pages
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Like what you do
CrCIA: if you dont get a quote
CrCIA: no i dont
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: You do
CrCIA: find an example
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: find an example of me doing it 5-6 times in two pages
CrCIA: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=169318.2430
CrCIA: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=169318.2415
CrCIA: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=169318.2400
CrCIA: all them double posts
CrCIA: 3 pages in a row
CrCIA: of double posts
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: ah but you said it as if I don't get a quote
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: so I requote my quote
CrCIA: yeah you pretty much triple-posted
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and I doube post because I don't feel like using modify.
CrCIA: yeah and you dont get nearly as much attention that way
CrCIA: you also post like twice as often as i do
CrCIA: you flame the stuff out of the ponys because you want to lead the anti-brony bandwagon
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: it's not about the post count
CrCIA: i dont see why you have to be such an starfish about everything
CrCIA: like you're just generally unlikable in every way, you whine all the time
CrCIA: you berate anybody that doesnt think the same way as you do over even the tiniest things
CrCIA: you constantly nag and scream if you dont get attention
CrCIA: you're always trying to start fads and bandwagons
CrCIA: and you're ugly c:
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: you're unlikable in every way and you win all the time and the only reason why anyone even remotely likes you because you play the loving innocent girl card
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: whine*
CrCIA: most blocklanders support me ;P
CrCIA: and i never whine
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: because you play the loving girl card
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and you don't even play blockland
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: why are you here trolling the forums every day
CrCIA: if you didnt want me to get on cam
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I never asked you to get on cam
CrCIA: you shouldnt have been practically taunting me to for the last 6 months
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and I still taunt you
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: surprise?
CrCIA: well its cuz youre a troll
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: you're a troll
CrCIA: just a troll that took a serious blow to his reputation
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Lol for what?
CrCIA: for not only being wrong, but being completely unwilling to apologize about it
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: hey starfish you faked your pics the first time
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and you constantly troll and harass the forums
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I have nothing to apologize for
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and I don't even care if you are a girl or not
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: you are a nasty cunt bag
CrCIA: so you think what you're doing is like righteous or something? xD
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: nope
CrCIA: you do a lot worse than i do
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I don't think so
CrCIA: everything i do bad you do it worse lol
CrCIA: when i started hating bronies
CrCIA: i walked away
CrCIA: i dont really go into the thread anymore
CrCIA: i didnt stick around and triple post spam giant images to try and piss them off
CrCIA: because im better than you
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: you pretended to like bronies and be one and then all a sudden you hate them
CrCIA: I like friendship is magic
CrCIA: i liked the show
CrCIA: the bronies on blockland just got too into it ofr me
CrCIA: so i walked away
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: oh and you manipulate any idiot under the age of 18
CrCIA: how?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Oh hmm
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: 210 gifts on steam
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: white knights
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: etc etc etc
CrCIA: so im a bad person because guys are nice to me?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: they are nice to you because you manipulate them
CrCIA: you'd be surprised
CrCIA: being a nice person and hanging around good people
CrCIA: will bring you good things
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: ha since when are you nice
CrCIA: i act differently on blockland than i do on Steam
CrCIA: anyone will attest to this
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: You act differently on steam to get free loving stuff
CrCIA: i dont even really play games seriously
CrCIA: a lot of guys are like
CrCIA: "heyy theres this new game out and
CrCIA: wanna play it with me ill buy it for you :3"
CrCIA: and like
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: you don't even tell them not to do it
CrCIA: all my games i play i play like that
CrCIA: nah ive told people not to buy me things dozens of times
CrCIA: someone bought me dead island and i rejected it because he didnt have enough money to buy it for himself
CrCIA: lol
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: well they are obviously idiots
CrCIA: some guys are just sweethearts :c
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: anything to impress a random girl to get laid
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: only to never get laid
CrCIA: eh
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: there is a thin line between a sweet heart and someone trying to impress a girl to get something out of it
CrCIA: i used to get on mic and like
CrCIA: go into gmod servers
CrCIA: and just chill and hang out with dudes there and they were always super sweet to me
CrCIA: same with TF2
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: because you are a female
CrCIA: i play video games socially and people are nicer to me on steam than on blockland
CrCIA: so im a lot nicer here
CrCIA: not just that, im a likable person
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: hmm
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: act nice
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: get free stuff
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: k
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: good plan
CrCIA: clutchy is an autistic 15-year-old nerd
CrCIA: he has like
CrCIA: 100 games
CrCIA: he got from friends
CrCIA: because hes nice to people
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I got all my games gifted
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: except new vegas
CrCIA: all your games are free
CrCIA: except new vegas lmao
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: half life 2?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: quake?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: hammerfight
CrCIA: okay
CrCIA: you got ~15$ in games
CrCIA: with 100 friends on your friendslist
CrCIA: you must be such a saint
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: nope
CrCIA: you hate the idea of anyone liking me xD
CrCIA: youre eaten up with shaudenfreude
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: nope
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I don't see how anyone can like you
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: because you play the nice sweet innocent gamer girl on steam
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: it's all an act
CrCIA: my blockland profile as a "cool girl who doesnt give a forget" is an act
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and if it's not an act and this is how you really act then you are just trolling blockland forums
CrCIA: i act differently on blockland because its really the only place that treats me with any hostility
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Gee I wonder why
CrCIA: because i have personality ;D
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: maybe you should get out of the forums then if you can't take the hint
CrCIA: nah
CrCIA: most people want me to stay
CrCIA: just you and the same anti-pony bandwagon want me gone
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: yeah the blockland white knights
CrCIA: not even chrono gives a stuff anymore
CrCIA: its just you, feep, and trogtor
CrCIA: and miika's doing whatever she can because she wants to be like
CrCIA: alpha-female again
CrCIA: lmao
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: because any female doing so wants to be alpha female
CrCIA: yep
CrCIA: just be cool man
CrCIA: thats all im asking, stop being a handicap
CrCIA: you used to be a coolbro, then you changed when the ponies came
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I am a coolbro
CrCIA: used to be
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Well the ponies are loving friends that need to die already.
CrCIA: now you just rage at everything and act almost as handicapped as nym
CrCIA: yeah they shouldnt make you rage like that though
CrCIA: just talking about cartoon horses and posting fanart
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I don't rage I play it cool
CrCIA: yeah
CrCIA: except playing it cool isn't spamming giant low-res action hank gifs
CrCIA: over and over again until you get banned
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: gee wasn't that at the first 100 page
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: they have 3,000 pages now
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I haven't done it recently
CrCIA: i remember i used to back you up all the time
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Nope you havent
CrCIA: like when you were giving cybertails grief
CrCIA: for being so serious about the "day in a life of gabe newell"
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Because he is such an easy target
CrCIA: i was like
CrCIA: backing you up the whole time
CrCIA: i did that all the time because you were cool like
CrCIA: you almost were doing what Otis did
CrCIA: then the ponies came and now all you do is rage at them
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I'm with it, I'm hip.
CrCIA: not really
CrCIA: you're like one of the least-respected members of the forum
CrCIA: and i dont know why you take such pride in that
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Because I honestly don't care what people think of me
CrCIA: thats an excuse
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: it's not when it's true
CrCIA: no youre in a position where rebuilding a reputation is nigh impossible
CrCIA: so its easier for you to just pretend it doesnt bother you
CrCIA: when like
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I was already built on a reputation I had 2 years ago
CrCIA: you could be mature and get back so much of your rep in < 2 days
CrCIA: im serious im offering you a by here
CrCIA: Ike's reputation recovered so much when he apologized for trolling and posting all-caps walls
CrCIA: *i* wasn't even able to touch him for a while
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: all ike has to do is say he hates me
CrCIA: he does, but he's not really that active anymore
CrCIA: seriously, if you just apologize, ill do the same thing and apologize for everything i did
CrCIA: you'd not only be saying you're sorry and earning most peoples' respects
CrCIA: you'd be making me apologize too
CrCIA: earning even more
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I am not apologizing for anything
CrCIA: you owe me one though ;P
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: nope
CrCIA: just do it, be cool again :c
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I do not give into peer pressure.
CrCIA: thats only something to be proud of if youre resisting like drugs and alcohol lol
CrCIA: if everyone's telling you to do the right thing
CrCIA: just do it
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: nope
CrCIA: how long have you been on blockland?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: 2008
CrCIA: since you graduated then?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: before
CrCIA: how many accounts of yours have been banned?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: not many
CrCIA: more than 1?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: what do you think
CrCIA: like 2-3 banned before because you rage a lot :c
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: nope
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: first was for piracy
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: second was alt
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: zombie.cxnt was caught in a chainban which only I got banned
CrCIA: see if you were cool you wouldnt get banned
CrCIA: and like
CrCIA: you could actually start fans and bandwagons again lol
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I'm cool enough to get unbanned from a perm ban.
CrCIA: you caught badspot in an extremely good mood
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I'm sure I did
CrCIA: i dont see why you want to keep this rage-fest going on
CrCIA: its just annoying me
CrCIA: its making miika think she has friends
CrCIA: and its not doing anything good for you
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I wasn't around when Miika was treated as such so I have no opinion
CrCIA: miika's worse than me
CrCIA: she has so many more pics than me on blockland
CrCIA: and she's gone on webcam a lot of times
CrCIA: she even has that one panty-shot posted
CrCIA: and she's a bitch, with the downside of being such a bitch that guys dont even really talk to her
CrCIA: why not go after her? ;P
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: she hasn't been a bitch to me\
CrCIA: she's desperate right now
CrCIA: scrounging together everyone she can to fling stuff at me over a wall
CrCIA: she hates me for going on cam lmao
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: she isn't trying hard enough to post more pictures of herself
CrCIA: she used to do it all the time
CrCIA: i only posted pictures of myself because you kept trashing people that were sticking up for me
CrCIA: i couldnt just sit there and watch ;c
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: men have boobs too
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I still have yet to see a vagina.
CrCIA: men dont have tits like that moron
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: shemales
CrCIA: im not 18
CrCIA: and i dont have 1000s of dollars for something that handicapped
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: some are born with deformations
CrCIA: bro
CrCIA: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=169318.0;attach=152858;image
CrCIA: tits
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I've seen hotter shemales man
CrCIA: you realize its illegal for a minor to do something like that right?
CrCIA: and i look nothing like a man
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: what about VH he can look like a female
CrCIA: VH had pillows under his shirt
CrCIA: im showing top-boob :|
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: there is realistic fake boobs you put over your chest
CrCIA: no there arent
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: are
CrCIA: i hope youre not being serious
CrCIA: and you arent that loving handicapped
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: hey if there is realistic love dolls there is realistic boobs
CrCIA: no there arent
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: re
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: are
CrCIA: i was on webcam you dolt
CrCIA: twice
CrCIA: so what do you want from this?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: a vagina
CrCIA: forget no
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: why not
CrCIA: im not giving you fap material
CrCIA: and im not going to show my genitals to a 21-year-old unemployed loser living in his parents' basement
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I woiuldn't masturbate to iut
CrCIA: like forget you wouldnt
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and I'm not in a basement
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: and I don't masturbate to pictures
CrCIA: doesnt change the fact you're 21
CrCIA: and live with your parents
CrCIA: and have no life outside of blockland
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: you wouldn'tknow about my life
CrCIA: i know enough to know you're posting on blockland when normal people are out doing things
CrCIA: you arent in college so you're not doing anything there
CrCIA: you aren't working because youre a loser
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I was in college last fall, derp
CrCIA: and you spend all your time on blockland because youre a border-line autistic starfish that's incapable of resembling anything likable
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I'm obviously not autistic.
CrCIA: lolno
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I can act autistic if you want.
CrCIA: you already are
CrCIA: you dont know anything at all about girls
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: LOL U FUNNY
CrCIA: or about tits
CrCIA: like
CrCIA: you're inept
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: YA DO WOMEN HAVE snakeES?
CrCIA: you're a moron with no life experience
CrCIA: youre ugly as forget
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: WERE DO BABES CUM FROM?
CrCIA: you claim to want to be a "video game developer"
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Explain how I am ugly.
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: Lol you personally attack me and you expect an apology?
Lord Tony The Pony Killer: I don't personally attack you.
CrCIA is now Offline.

Thanks for being absolutely useless to the argument.

Lol, pathetic way to go.
Pathetic yes, but there is nothing more I can do here.

Like I said before, two massively inflated egos fighting eachother to be the top idiotic attention whore on the forums
They will never stop, no matter what we do. They cannot accept "defeat" when it's obvious nobody is going anywhere

but we all pretty much knew this, right

Pretty much, you left out the part of the conversation where you were bragging about your supposed loveual encounters and then painfully admitted you were a virgin but I was worse off because I was a whore or something. You're kinda spot on though, I do take pleasure in writing stuff like that, but only because I know that you use this forum as a means of escapism and by throwing all your real-life ills into your face it sort of destroys that for you. I wasn't even sure it had any real effect on you until you changed your steam profile right after, left me alone on steam and on the forum for a while, and then changed your vendetta from "lol stokcins a man" to "STOKIN IS A BICH".

I sound petty and over-dramatic as forget right now though lol

Actually I cut out the chat to save space, I'll send the full three chats I have then. Stop trying to feed that ego.

What exactly started making them to fight?

Thanks for showing me how much of a dummy you are, lol.

Like I said before, two massively inflated egos fighting eachother to be the top idiotic attention whore on the forums
They will never stop, no matter what we do. They cannot accept "defeat" when it's obvious nobody is going anywhere

but we all pretty much knew this, right
Then why do you insist of reiterating it over and over?

Thanks for showing me how much of a dummy you are, lol.

I doubt you even read half.

i started reading that then realized how long it was so i stopped o.o

I doubt you even read half.
I didn't

It was too much to bear, how much of a fuss you've put up.
Everything you said was just a repeat of what you said on the forums. If you're talking about the ego bit, you deserved it as far as I can tell.

It was too much to bear, how much of a fuss you've put up.
Everything you said was just a repeat of what you said on the forums. If you're talking about the ego bit, you deserved it as far as I can tell.

You also described stocking.

You also described stocking.
Yes, both of you are on the same level of egotisticalness