Author Topic: School has been trolled!!! FUUUU-  (Read 1498 times)

I was in my R4 when the teacher turned on the announcements...I wasn't expecting anything that special today,but I was wrong.....

They said one of the 6th grade math teachers had a singing carer a while back and that they had a video of it.. I thought to my self "sounds interesting enough," the video started playing and it took me less than a second to realize that that video was the infamous Trololo video D:

Most people had no idea what the forget that was, but i instinctively started singing along others that got the joke sang along but I knew exactly how to sing it. When it was over mostly every one was staring at me...Hell even the teacher said "Wow Erik!"
I didn't know if I had to be proud, or to become the socially awkward penguin....But one man asked me how I knew all of the "lyrics" by heart, I replied to the boy "The internet is probed in my brain..."

TL;DR: this video was played at my school
forget you >:(
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 11:42:40 PM by T0XIC »

repord for troling

repoted for hitng guys van then run away ........ wowe ........ -_     -

one of the 6th grade math teachers had a singing carer a while back
is this actually the math teacher though.

it would be funny if it were.

I would transfer to his school if it was true

This is what i think of it (note i don't get how using anything that puts a picture removes links :I)

Trolol Man <3

I'm wearing a trolol shirt as we speak LOL. Eduard Khil is the best person EVAR.

I was thinking to my self after R4 "who knew that my principal was the master of all trolls?"

I was thinking to my self after R4 "who knew that my principal was the master of all trolls?"

To be fair, it was a pretty stuff joke. Its like how Fox News killed the rick roll. Uggh.