
Honest answers or gtfo

pop it
leave it

Author Topic: Ok, found a zit.. on my richard.  (Read 7211 times)

Tell a family member or close friend to help you pop it

Didn't we already have a topic about this?

Also zits happen when your pores get clogged. You clogged a pore on your snake somehow

What causes this? will it go away? Am I dying?

I am so loving scared right now ._.

(and isopropyl alcohol, but that hurts like TITS)

i somehow got a small cut on my richard :(

I had one once.
I popped it, hurt a bit but it was gone in 2 days.

Seriously, just pop it and then wipe away the pus, do this every day until it goes away or whenever it starts hurting like forget.
Washing it a bit couldn't hurt either

I cant even think of popping it...

I cant even think of popping it...

Well then, have fun in a day or so once it becomes inflamed and starts hurting so much that you have to resort to crossing your legs so hard that you're in serious danger of popping something else

entrepreneur les have been known to get infected if not popped.

entrepreneur les have been known to get infected if not popped.


but Im going to try some acne products on it


but Im going to try some acne products on it

It's just one entrepreneur le.

its on my snake.

how do people not find this a problem

its on my snake.

how do people not find this a problem

Because it isn't, stop being such a whiny bitch and pop the damn thing.
Jesus loving christ