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Author Topic: Anime and Manga Megathread  (Read 1300899 times)

Found it as uninteresting as the rest :/
The ending was okay (only since I have an incest thing)-slight spoiler sort of not really?
There was a lot of just silly stuff, like how their bodies aren't supposed to disappear when they log out (if I recall correctly) and how they moan, cringe, gasp and nearly cough up blood when they get hit despite not feeling pain.
Best bit though was the fact that Leafa did like 3x better than he did in the tower, aka Kirito sucks at the game lol.

Last and probably least I was seriously expecting him to break the barrier with the power of love or determination or some stuff, which would be the point where I turn off my computer and hit myself.
i think it's more like their bodies cant disappear when they log out in non safe zone like neutral territory
and since when can they not feel pain? they've always been able to feel in game pain.

ok this is a great love story and u r dumb

first episode
red head monday takes a pig to the gut, falls on the ground in agony
"monday, you can't pain" -kirito
"oh right"

i think it's more like their bodies cant disappear when they log out in non safe zone like neutral territory
and since when can they not feel pain? they've always been able to feel in game pain.

ok this is a great love story and u r dumb
first episode
red head monday takes a pig to the gut, falls on the ground in agony
"monday, you can't pain" -kirito
"oh right"
If it wasn't for it becoming a love story the anime could have been great so u r dum!
omg putting a "no kiras allowed" sign on my treehouse

If they could feel pain that would be like a torture room lol, just like tie someone up and keep stabbing and healing them for hours c:<
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 12:34:10 AM by Clone v.117 »

i think it's more like their bodies cant disappear when they log out in non safe zone like neutral territory
and since when can they not feel pain? they've always been able to feel in game pain.

ok this is a great love story and u r dumb
You are talking about .hack//Sign right?

pokemon sucks

So has anyone managed to catch Toonami?

If it wasn't for it becoming a love story the anime could have been great so u r dum!
omg putting a "no kiras allowed" sign on my treehouse

If they could feel pain that would be like a torture room lol, just like tie someone up and keep stabbing and healing them for hours c:<
oh ok sorry i forget things xd

dammit I can't torrent this other subgroup's version of G Gundam if torrenting more than a single file at a time explodes the internet for my computer and only my computer.

shameful confession: i recently started reading and enjoying megatokyo after picking it up at my school library out of necessity for something to read
after two or three volumes gallagher got his stuff together and the art and writing weren't terrible, so yeah

shameful confession: i recently started reading and enjoying megatokyo after picking it up at my school library out of necessity for something to read
after two or three volumes gallagher got his stuff together and the art and writing weren't terrible, so yeah

I actually quite enjoyed it as well, I don't really understand why it has such a bad reputation. I just stopped reading it because I hated waiting for the updates.

presumably because fred's art IS really mediocre at first, and it takes a long time (read: the two years before he goes solo on it) for a plot to actually develop; i'd guess it's kind of like how some people are annoyed by how much crap you have to wade through in homestuck to get to the good parts (and i'm hoping it doesn't follow homestuck's pattern by descending back into more crap)

Just finished the first season of Code Geass. Oh.my.god.

Just finished the first season of Code Geass. Oh.my.god.
First season is best season
But the second season is still pretty great