
Which style do you prefer?

Somewhat realistic
In the middle
Somewhat cartoony
Super cartoony
Slightly chibi style
Chibi style
Ultra chibi style
Super cutely deformed overload
Doesn't matter

Author Topic: Anime and Manga Megathread  (Read 1235519 times)

More importantly, why haven't you called whatever stuffty provider you have and ordered them to fix it or lose your business.

well, my internet's fine

and it's not like it's going down every few seconds either

(it pings those three every two seconds, and I guess if it times out, it sticks that in the little box. I'm not sure because I've never been in that situation)

it's just issues with the seeders I guess. it got a little better than it was to begin with but it's still on and off
been 25 minutes and it's only at 10%

i'll try downloading the next anime i watch and see how it compares

don't talk to me

yo listen I was watching that bullstuff as it aired

both seasons

get on my level

I heard legends and knew I couldn't do it until I could watch it all at once. I'm not powerful enough.

i actually mostly download my anime, but only ones that come in batches. im too lazy to download each episode of every new series, it also clogs up my space

I heard legends and knew I couldn't do it until I could watch it all at once. I'm not powerful enough.

still better than M3

Also, two Arpeggio of Blue Steel movies announced. First is a compilation (not too excited, series was already condensed and different compared to the manga) and the second is all-new.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 06:40:57 AM by ChexGuy331 »

PSO2 is kill, what do I do now with all my free time.

sega murders small children for pleasure, when's Virtual-On

EXVS is cool but it's Bandai and it's also not Virtual-On

it finished downloadingggg
time 2 get my watch on
im gonna watch it all in one day
i didnt even go to sleep last night

more like bored fart online

the anime megathread is practically just a collection of short thoughtd

"finished mekakucity"

"klk is so good"

"looook at how big my mla list is"

i havent watched k-on today

u should turn that k-on k-off