idk I haven't looked at this topic much but does he still spam the thread about lolis
when you haven't told anybody that you like lolis in five hours[/size]
when you haven't told anybody that you like lolis in five hours
tell everyone in this thread how stuff their taste is and that I'm better than all of them
when you haven't told anybody that they have stuff taste in five hours
now excuse me while I collect waifus in mobile games, watch stuffty light novel adaptions, and tell everyone in this thread how stuff their taste is and that I'm better than all of them
Some art for Diamond is Unbreakable came out today (Feb 18)'m excited for it and I wanna talk about it so I'm posting it here
Erased is so goddamn good
Diamond is Unbreakable looks good so far, but I'm sure they'll have to cut some story arcs if they don't want it to be a million episodes long. Goodbye Italian diner arc. The Cheap Trick, Boy II Man and Superfly arcs will likely get cut as well.
god why the forget did this meme name from CR stick? it's extremely stuff and makes barely any sense.