Author Topic: Is is possible to connect to a LAN server when your not on their network?  (Read 1095 times)

When you go to the join a server window, there is a button that says "connect to IP".  Can you use that?

I thought that was must for internet servers

no, you can't connect to a lan server that isnt on your ip

How does the connect to IP button work? I mean, how do use it?

no, you can't connect to a lan server that isnt on your ip
Did you try the button?  (I don't know any IP that might be hosting a LAN server.)

Did you try the button?  (I don't know any IP that might be hosting a LAN server.)
that's not how it works.

If you know the IP you could join that way instead of finding it in the list

Then what is it for?
LAN : local area network

if you aren't in the 'local area' you supposedly cannot connect.

you could use connect by IP to connect to a server that is not a LAN server if you know the IP.

No, it will refuse to accept the client if the client connects from WAN.

I just tested it.

Regardless of how horrible it is, it works.
it actually doesn't in this case

Regardless of how horrible it is, it works.

Badspot broke that on purpose because if he didn't, people who had the demo could just play the full game normally with Hamachi.