Author Topic: Ichverbot - Alt of Iban?  (Read 41921 times)

I've already told you guys I don't have another key and I'm obviously not going to spend more money so I can sit back and get verbally abused by the same clique of people that had the same stick up their ass from a year ago. It's just not that interesting.

I like the forums, there's a lot of history tucked away in this place, but I can never wade past this kind of bullstuff to really be able to do anything.

 As far as I'm concerned, I've always been perfectly content with Iban's presence. Frankly, I'd rather him be on the forums than banned. He's seems far more reasonable than the self-proclaimed "geniuses" who argue with him.

 Welcome back, Iban. Try not to get banned this time, Aye?

And I forgot
No you didn't, you were just being pretentious. You're the same jackass you've always been and I mean this 100% when I say that you are without a doubt the worst human being I have ever had the misfortune of meeting in my entire life. You're an uptight sociopathic pseudo-intellectual masochistic freak who is so completely oblivious as to how much people here utterly despise you that you keep coming back even though it is so blatantly obvious that you are absolutely vilified in this community. I have sat here for about ten minutes and I cannot find a single redeeming quality that you possess. Your claim of not respecting anyone here is just hilarious because you have already become a laughing stock as that guy who is desperate to go back to the people that hate him. Now that you have returned once again, you are a living joke. Your respect means nothing. Nobody cares for the respect of the village idiot.

Nothing good will come of you returning to the forums for a fourth time. All that will happen is you parading about being as dumb as ever until your ego reaches critical mass and you talk stuff to an admin again or exhibit that unique kind of disgusting unpleasantness that only you are capable of. Then you're going to obtain another key somehow and make a new account because you're so desperate to come back. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I've already told you guys I don't have another key and I'm obviously not going to spend more money so I can sit back and get verbally abused by the same clique of people that had the same stick up their ass from a year ago. It's just not that interesting.
At least I dropped it~

"to cool for internet"
"dont care"
I honestly never considered you the type to desperately claw at the dirt hoping to find a ban reason, but if you want me banned, considering you're a real-life friend of Badspot, can't be that difficult.

Bisjac, I have nothing against you. I'm not here to start stuff. But if you're that desperate and happy to see me go, exercise your influence and make it happen.

i will simply not watch badspot's kids this weekend when he tries to go out to his usual ladybug's soccer game.
he will be forced to ban you because it's his turn to bring the rice crispy treats.

"to cool for internet"
"dont care"
Considering how often you state that the context of a post is the most important part in determining if it is actually breaking the rules this post is highly ironic.

Considering how often you state that the context of a post is the most important part in determining if it is actually breaking the rules this post is highly ironic.

but in context, he IS actually doing those 2 things

To me it looks like you're just grasping at anything to get him banned because of the happenings between you two and ATKitton.

i will simply not watch badspot's kids this weekend when he tries to go out to his usual ladybug's soccer game.
he will be forced to ban you because it's his turn to bring the rice crispy treats.
I looked at my friends, I was like, "It's about to go down."

its your own fault you cant get away from anything. just shut up it isnt hard. you wont be yelled at for things you say if you dont say anything.

but in context, he IS actually doing those 2 things
not really. I never once said I was too cool for the internet, I just don't care about those three people and their petty worthless opinions of me.

Do I care? Obviously, I'm posting about it.
Am I too cool for the internet? obviously not, I'm posting on it.

I just don't think anyone else should really concern themselves about me as much as they do.

And notice I never said that I don't care about you. Despite how you're treating me I, at one point, considered you a friend and it kind of bums me out knowing that is no longer the case.

stuff sucks, not much that I can do about it really. I tried making amends and preaching my case but reality doesn't matter to you two. It's not worth the time and energy trying to make peace with a group of people that obviously has no interest in that.

Forgive me if I'm sounding "pretentious", I'm just tired of the drama already.

its your own fault you cant get away from anything. just shut up it isnt hard. you wont be yelled at for things you say if you dont say anything.

I thought he said in butthurtst rage, "i'm never coming back"

I thought he said in butthurtst rage, "i'm never coming back"
Someone once made an brown townogy that these forums are like "Hotel california" or something
I think it meant how everyone usually comes back even though they get banned or just leave