
How should the Background be

One color adjustable sliders
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Author Topic: BlockOS - Beta Release 2 is out - App Store is added  (Read 3520 times)

No it's cool thats my favorite to. I just wanted to play in fullscreen.
Can we have a keybind to open the desktop?
Keybind to open the desktop
what? a keybind to the main menu?

how do we join servers?
You go to start
You press Join a Server
You proceed normally?

Moments ago I finished the PHP sided code for the AppStore.
Im gonna start the Torque, then the GUI, then the next beta will go out
Note: I didn't fix the resolution problem, I dont know how to deal with that :|  
Now I really finished the PHP
And I finished the Torque.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 06:33:42 PM by cheese6 »

Yeah Im basicly done with the AppStore.
The only thing left is executing all the Apps and making a documentation of how to make them.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 07:35:31 PM by cheese6 »

Yeah, i'd like a keybind to bring up the main menu in-game.
I'd also like it to work in all the resolutions.
Last thing, what kind of stuff will be in the app store, just addons like RTB's?

Yeah, i'd like a keybind to bring up the main menu in-game.
I'd also like it to work in all the resolutions.
Last thing, what kind of stuff will be in the app store, just addons like RTB's?
You see on the main menu
Those.... apps. The one that says Return To Blockland, Settings, now it has one called App Store, Notepad, those.
Those are apps. I'm in the process of developing the first one, for examplization.
Im using the old tetris mod and using it to make an app.
The next update will be pushed real soon, with the res. fixes.
Also, a keybind would be useless, just leave the game ._.
Though we'll see about it.
Adios till then.

Im testing the first App :0)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 11:56:13 PM by cheese6 »

BlockOS Beta Release 2
What this changes/fixes:
Fixes Nothing at all.
Adds the Appstore and 11 appslots.
•Not all resolutions work.

(Italics indicate you replace with the actual name of your app)
The way you make apps:
1) new folder
2) Main.cs
3) Name the folder your app
4) Write Main.cs
5) Must have a GUI named TheNameOfYourAppGoesHereGUI.gui
6) You must have a picture duplicated 3 times.
7) Name each picture NameOfYourApp_n then _h then _d.
8) Each picture can be different, each can be the same.
9) PM me it on the forums.
10) I will review it, and if it works/is clean, it will go on the market.
Have fun!

The Credits button doesnt work.

You should make a Blockland app!
But really. It would be nice if someone edited the client_tetris thing for this.

You should make a Blockland app!
But really. It would be nice if someone edited the client_tetris thing for this.
tetris is in the App Store. I download it but it did not apear on my desktop?

tetris is in the App Store. I download it but it did not apear on my desktop?
Restart bl

Restart bl
Still not there, also My Documents doesnt work. It comes up blank is this because I have a mac?