Author Topic: Pixel Art Megathread  (Read 2431 times)

That was all done by hand.  It is in grayscale because I lacked the necessary colors.
Lol image2brick
Goddamnit I hate this community.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 09:29:54 PM by Murilliom, »

These were made at Zmaster's server before he started to stop hosting.

hello miss dryad
can i buy a dirt rod off you?

Then leave.

It's because of morons like you.

>someone puts a lot of effort in pixel art and posts it on the forum


That's just like a giant middle finger to their efforts.

It's because of morons like you.

>someone puts a lot of effort in pixel art and posts it on the forum


That's just like a giant middle finger to their efforts.
Since when does pointing out that someone used IMG2Brick make me a moron? lol that is obviously IMG2Brick.

Since when does pointing out that someone used IMG2Brick make me a moron? lol that is obviously IMG2Brick.

The few screenshots I have are actually accidental. This was when it was starting out, and I had realized it wouldn't work in color.  If I had wanted to do so with an Image2Brick, I would have done so in color.

Showing the back nearing completion. The key is using the least amount of bricks possible, so I put in the larger prints whenever I can. The reason it's pink is because the original image I was going from was pink.  The gridlines didn't show up very well and I ended up losing my place so I just filled the large black areas in with pink. Afterwords I could just use the fillcan to return it to normal. Come to think of it, the whole process wasn't all that difficult.  I worked on this on and off for about a week. Most of the time is was difficult to stay focused, but then again that's why there's Image2Brick righty right?

Then leave.
Hahah, now don't go getting your panties in a bunch, I was just being facetious. I've been around, don't think I can't take a hit or two.

I'm not sure whether I should take you insisting I used Image2Brick as an major compliment or not. Regardless, I acknowledge it was very foolish of me to initially upload something of this proportion unprepaired and without substantial evidence to support my claim.  Though I'm not sure if this alone will be enough.

However I assure you, and everyone else that next time I shall not make the same mistake.  While I don't usually keep track of who comes and goes from my server there is one user in particular, Dimitry who watched me make, not this piece, but another one of about equal size. I have not doubt he will vouch for me.
Valkerone (BL_ID 7546) was with me when I finished this work. He even has some pixel art of his own on my server. Surely, he will also concur as to its authenticity. As a matter of fact, he was with me when the server crashed and I had to start over. That is, if your can believe that.

And if that doesn't cut it for you the only thing else I can suggest is that you drop by the server sometime and watch me work. I mostly do pixel art anyway.

And you're right about one thing: I shouldn't expect people to just unconditionally accept the fact that it was done by hand without giving them a nibble of evidence that suggests otherwise. Even so, having finished the damn thing I must say it turned out rather nice.  And yes, you can quote me on that.

I can fillcan a bunch of bricks purple and make up a cool story too. Why don't you type me up another essay :-)

I can fillcan a bunch of bricks purple and make up a cool story too. Why don't you type me up another essay :-)
Why on earth are you being such a jerk? Did you even read that "essay"?

I can fillcan a bunch of bricks purple and make up a cool story too. Why don't you type me up another essay :-)
TL;DR much?

My only folly here was not realizing soon enough that you're a lost cause, and I was wasting my time by trying to convince you. Perhaps you're not the level-minded constructive, but skeptical critic I had thought, but something much less, and something far more predictable.
After viewing some of your other posts I realise that nothing you say governs much merit.
I now feel very silly for dragging this out as much as I did.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 07:56:23 AM by Murilliom, »