Author Topic: TRADEGY OF school  (Read 1477 times)

1 time i died wen  my hed bloo the fuk up when i fel 3 inches and it blew up O_O den dis kid posted it on bloklnd foms

You should have drank the blood and scared the stuff out of people

You should have drank the blood and scared the stuff out of people

This is what happens when you let eight-year-olds climb stairs

in all honesty, though, I hope she gets better

I don't think Alex would've dong that. He would've just partook in the old in and out

I'm gonna laugh at it now.

Didn't Shakespeare say that the things that separate comedy and tragedy is time?

What a speedy recovery. She's back - 1 day in hospital.

What a speedy recovery. She's back - 1 day in hospital.

How does one recover from a cracked open head in a day?

How does one recover from a cracked open head in a day?
Duct tape

What a speedy recovery. She's back - 1 day in hospital.

news flash: it doesnt take long to recover from a cut on your head

I'm beginning to think she tripped, scraped her head and then was sent to the hospital.

^yeah, pretty obvious at this point. cant blame the OP for exaggerating/misinforming though, he's only 8 bahahaha

Schools tend to overreact to prevent a lawsuit so it wouldn't surprise me if they sent her to the hospital for something so little.

I'm not sure if I would classify this as a tragedy, and it may have looked like a lot of blood to you, but yeah, it really sucks to be her.