Author Topic: Nostalgia over ARES and BAN  (Read 2674 times)

Skip will forever be the last poster in ARES. :'(
Is that bad? :o

why the hell would you trust Jimmg?
Welcome to the rational mind of a high school sophomore. Insanity is the first door to the right.
Is that bad? :o
Think of it as a medal of honor.

I remember the sue is a man topic, although I didn't really care much for clans.
and then there was that drama about too much stuffposting in the clan topic or something, well it's interesting how blockland forums can become so much of your life and still have the ability to feel like "real social interactions" and to have real consequences.
It's sort of funny if I think about it, lots of us here have learned more about eachother and other useful things than if we never met on the forums, and the more I think about it the more I feel like being part of a bigger whole in this community.
Everyone has gone through so much here that we can reflect upon it and remember all that was forgotten before.
To have to leave, and to say goodbye to all of you is something I don't think I will want to do, I know this might sound stupid or something but I really do think that it's sad, all the history right here where we can check it and realize our pasts...

Welcome to the rational mind of a high school sophomore. Insanity is the first door to the right.
Oh the wonders of the mind...

Perfect song for the occasion. And yes, great times these were, much fun was had.

You know, there IS a reason A.R.C. unlocked the thread.
He shouldn't continue it, really.

I miss Jimmig, he was funny.

A clan is just a group a people, no need to get emotionally attached to them.

I often think back to NWB. All the fun times me and the members had, those times are over. And sadly they won't be returning.

I miss Jimmig, he was funny.

A clan is just a group a people, no need to get emotionally attached to them.
A clan should be more than just that. If you're joining a clan for just the prestige, then you're not going to get anything out of it. You should be joining or creating clans to enjoy the game further with people who have similar interests outside of BL. Gods know that I met Qwepir, Tingalz, and Vionix through clans.
I often think back to NWB. All the fun times me and the members had, those times are over. And sadly they won't be returning.
Feels bittersweet, right?

Feels bittersweet, right?
Funny, this is what I was thinking about when I thought of nostalgia.
It's awesome to remember all the awesome stuff that has happened, but it's just as sad to know it's over... all the fun times and such are gone, but you do have your friends...
just so sad...

yeah I remember when i first got Blockland.
