Author Topic: ████ Issue: Game crashes on fullscreen / startup  (Read 12275 times)

God damn, such simple tasks turned into a complicated challenge.

And now we won't have this bug fixed for a week or two, nice job you incompetent handicaps.

I agree with ^. If one task can't be completed by 3-4 noobs, don't play it and don't try to fix it...wait.

 I know what to do, re-install Blockland, worked for me.

God damn, such simple tasks turned into a complicated challenge.

And now we won't have this bug fixed for a week or two, nice job you incompetent handicaps.

Yea because for some reason my game started working again
it sucks we wont get it fixed

All of ye need to read
I said the game works now
I can play it with no problems

Lion fullscreen is different from Snow Leopard fullscreen, talk to the Apple Developer Community for help on it.

Lion fullscreen is different from Snow Leopard fullscreen, talk to the Apple Developer Community for help on it.
I meant to say that for the mac part of this problem

Badspot, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Here's my console.log file. :)

All of ye need to read
I said the game works now
I can play it with no problems

We know, now stop posting the same thing of what you are talking about every time someone says something about you.

We know, now stop posting the same thing of what you are talking about every time someone says something about you.

Thank you

I had this issue
it said Blockland.exe has encountered a problemo
On Context or something

Gald you fixed

I might as well do my part and try to provide some helpful information to Badspot. When I go fullscreen, I don't crash anymore, but my screen goes blank, I have to fix it by going on my config folder and setting fullscreen to 0. I think I got this fixed by changing the resolution. But now when I play blockland there's black on the left and right. I'd rather play widescreen (black on the bottom and top) also back in V16 I could have the resolution at whatever I want without a problem. Also btw, I noticed a few mac users have been having problems at the mainscreen. Their account isn't authenticating, I found two ways to fix this.
Restarting, or more quickly, clicking change BL_ID and re-imputing your BL_ID. Wouldn't this be an easy fix Badspot? by telling it to restart the athucate attempt after like 3 seconds of no progress, or adding a button that re-inputs your BL_ID? Thanks! Hope I can help.

Badspot, I think I have found the solution! I got into Blockland by changing config.cs and I went to options. I put it back into full screen. Then I noticed Vsync was enabled. I thought maybe if I disable it, it just might work. I disabled Vsync and quit out of blockland. I started it again and IT ACTUALLY STARTED WITHOUT CRASHING AND WITHOUT CHANGING THE CONFIG.

So maybe, either Vsync itself is causing the problem or maybe Vsync might be corrupt from the update. Hope this helps!

Here,Take a look.

Trying to play on a 35" TV, crashes whenever I start up.