Author Topic: Trotgor  (Read 5675 times)

Is it bad that I think Trogtor uses his autism as a sort of shield sometimes?


Is it bad that I think Trogtor uses his autism as a sort of shield sometimes?

He does.
When he makes the unfunniest joke yet, people get angry, but he pulls the autism card to get away with it.

He's Trogtor.
The lovable scamp.

I usually don't say this but good god you are late to the party.

For furthur information, please, visit this thread to be more aware.
The more you know.

Is it bad that I think Trogtor uses his autism as a sort of shield sometimes?

I know stuff about autism, so I read the wiki page. And from what I can infer, it would not make you make stupid, obnoxious comments in the hopes people will find you charming and funny. Unless proven wrong I will have permanently lost the 0.5 grams of respect I gained for Trogter after learning he has autism.

I have a problem with Trogtor too year. His avatar, that's it the only thing about him that bugs me.

And I Don't Know Why..

Pretty much the same here

and what's worse is that's what I imagine he looks like

I know its just me

I have a problem with Trogtor too year. His avatar, that's it the only thing about him that bugs me.

And I Don't Know Why..
He honestly needs to get a new avatar, I'd assume that if anybody else decided to make a avatar with animated love, they'd get banned pretty quickly.

Why are we discussing Trogtor's avatar again? It's nothing to be banned for if you ask me.

His avatar is probably one of the only reasons I was hostile towards him in the first place.

His avatar is probably one of the only reasons I was hostile towards him in the first place.

His avatar is probably one of the only reasons I was hostile towards him in the first place.


Don't be hating on Trogtor.
This drama is about Trotgor.