Author Topic: Trotgor  (Read 5684 times)

Real steam chat

Quote from: Steam Chat
Never tell your password to anyone.
Trogtor: were gonna get married kk
Trogtor: kk nvm ill ask some1 else
Trogtor is now Offline.
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
Trogtor is now Online.
hankyje: nu
hankyje: trugtore
hankyje: I need u
Trogtor: whate
Trogtor: opk
Trogtor: what is it you need
hankyje: ur love
Trogtor: la la la I want your love
hankyje: i want your love
hankyje: hey wana play rublox
Trogtor: dont have it
hankyje: y not
Trogtor: i stopped playing it on my 12th birthday
hankyje: itz da best gaem ever
Trogtor: which was when I got Blocklnad
hankyje: no it bettar than stuffland
hankyje: it stole from roblox
hankyje: lol
hankyje: ripoff
hankyje: yeah
Trogtor: u trater!!!
Trogtor: how culd u!!!
hankyje: lul builderman will b4n u
Trogtor: baldspot will commence u!!!!1
Trogtor: hankje plz come back 2 bockland we all luv u <33333333333333
hankyje: no blockland sucks and is gay
Trogtor: plz hank! ewveryone loves u! I will gives u head!!
Trogtor: i will give you jobs!!
Trogtor: secsual atracktion!!
Trogtor: ;plz come back!!!
hankyje: Ok stop, Trogtor this was definatly not worth a thread
hankyje: Stop making it bigger.
hankyje: I'm done contributing to it.
Trogtor: ok locked
Trogtor is now Offline.

>doaler4 = LegoCharlie1023

>doaler4 = LegoCharlie1023

What the hell does this have to do with anyone

What the hell does this have to do with anyone
Doaler4's scratch projects are handicapped.
LegoCharlie1023's steam name is doaler4.
His posts and doaler4's scratch projects are equivalent in handicapation levels.

Doaler4's scratch projects are handicapped.
LegoCharlie1023's steam name is doaler4.
His posts and doaler4's scratch projects are equivalent in handicapation levels.
forget, I should've posted this in LegoCharlie's drama

forget, I should've posted this in LegoCharlie's drama
You fool, this drama is about some forumer named "Trotgor."

and others can't
Because others aren't autistic. You can't just be hated and randomly post "im awtistci dun hert mee" when it's not true.

Welcome to the internet

That place where you don't bump topics when you can't post anything relevant.

yea dont say bad words ok? bad troghtr

I know this topic was made by a moron but still, lets bring up the point that Trogtor is still incredibly annoying.

Read this topic:

OP is a cigarette and needs to grow up.

OP is a cigarette and needs to grow up.
he also has autism and is like 11

he also has autism and is like 11
This is the internet, nobody cares about anyones mental condition.