Author Topic: Events Replacement - How would you prefer?  (Read 6480 times)

The biggest problem here obviously, is would Badspot be okay with any changes made and released?

I would love this but if you could add logic gates into bricks that would be amazing.

I've recreated the events window from scratch, still working on making it look better.
In the end, it'll have a lot of other features.

looks nice so far drendran

looks nice so far drendran

Eventually you'll be able to have multiple output events for each unique target-input combonation.
So you could do like:

So you don't need to redo your input events or targets if they're the same.

Eventually you'll be able to have multiple output events for each unique target-input combonation.
So you could do like:
So you don't need to redo your input events or targets if they're the same.
This can all be done clientsided fairly easily. Hopefully it'll stay that way (completely clientsided).

This may sound stupid, but what does event saver do?
It saves the events into a readable text file that you can load later from the GUI. You either replace the current events or add the loaded events after the current ones. Amazingly useful.

I've recreated the events window from scratch, still working on making it look better.
In the end, it'll have a lot of other features.
This isn't really anything like what we had in mind.