Author Topic: Best day of my life so far  (Read 3186 times)


I saw and held the Olympic torch today. Pictures:

hey look its mr downsyndrome-stockinglover mciwantattention

Jetlok that time has passed, buddy.

hey look its mr downsyndrome-stockinglover mciwantattention

oh look, let's all go pick on an 8 year old who is brighter than a certain person called jetlok

How do we know thats a Genuine Olympic Torch?

oh look, let's all go pick on an 8 year old who is brighter than a certain older person called jetlok
he's not bright.
evidence a
bump (not really)
RIGHT after I posted
yeah he's still a humongous derp.
Jetlok that time has passed, buddy.
still have downs syndrome and probably want attention
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 10:44:57 AM by Jetlok »

How do we know thats a Genuine Olympic Torch?

Go on, compare them.

Either its me or your torch looks more like its made of wood shavings.

People like the Olympics?

Compare the faces downy

You're loving short.

Edit: And young apparently.

he's not bright.
evidence aRIGHT after I posted
yeah he's still a humongous derp.still have downs syndrome and probably want attention
Dude, stop picking on him, he's only 8 which is 2 years younger than me (Well, glad to actually know there is someone younger on this forum) but anyways, he's just a kid, so don't go picking on him or it makes you look like a pusillanimous individual.

Dude, stop picking on him, he's only 8 which is 2 years younger than me (Well, glad to actually know there is someone younger on this forum) but anyways, he's just a kid, so don't go picking on him or it makes you look like a pusillanimous individual.

He's eight but he knows how to act well enough. If he couldn't handle himself the he wouldn't be on these forums.

Dude, stop picking on him, he's only 8 which is 2 years younger than me (Well, glad to actually know there is someone younger on this forum) but anyways, he's just a kid, so don't go picking on him or it makes you look like a pusillanimous individual.
you seem to have a different meaning of the word 'pusillanimous individual' than everyone else
and this is the blockland forum, everyone gets criticized for everything, and he (hopefully) knows that.
if he didn't want to get picked on he wouldn't come here. logic, yes? yes.