Author Topic: music brick = nneds longer range  (Read 1675 times)

yeah well i wanted to make it so you can listen to it longer away but i dont know where to find the file where i can make it have a longer range /:

I suppose you could do music shape thing::onAdd and set the scale higher, but otherwise you are probably best off just F11-ing and setting the scale bigger.

yeah well the update made my f11 not working :cookiemonster: im WAAAY too lazy to make it work

Code: [Select]
package MusicBrick
   function fxDTSBrick::setSound(%this, %sound)
      Parent::setSound(%this, %sound);

      if(isObject(%this.AudioEmitter) && %this.AudioEmitter.getClassName() $= "AudioEmitter")
         %this.AudioEmitter.maxDistance = 200;

That works, but I don't think I changed the right variable (meaning, it changes the maxDistance to 200, but I don't think that affects the range in which it can be heard), so just play around with what I've done (if it's the scale, then change that).

Did anyone figure this out?

Did you read mr. Cascades post?

Did you read mr. Cascades post?
He is assuming that it works, I already tried those ways.

Music Brick need a Range Meter so you drag a little scroll across to increase of Decrease the sound range =D

I've messed with this for SFM III, what the sound brick does is create an audio emitter, this can be found in ANY version of blockland, including vanilla.  It seems like if you increase the range, you dont stop hearing the sound after you exit the audio emitter range, depending how long it is, what I tried was a looping "dead men tell no tales."